❝You know, it's weird. It's like wherever Bella goes, Alec is bound to follow, like magnets.❞
Skinny love/; In which when two people love each other but are too shy to admit it, yet they show it anyway
Shadowhunters Season One
Alec Lightwoo...
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He started burning my mothers neck with the same stele that Mom gave Clary and I. "No!" I yelled, "No!"
When I woke up I accidentally smacked heads with someone. "Ow." I gasped and moved backwards.
Clary woke up in the bed that was next to mine. Who was that man with my Mother? Why did she have glowing green stuff all around her? "Wait, I don't know you." Clary said. "I'm Isabelle. I've never seen Jace so curious about a mundane before." She said, looking at Clary. "Like you both saw earlier, distractions are dangerous in our line of work." Line of work?
What the hell is she talking about?
"I have no idea what you're talking about.
Neither does my twin. "Who's Jace?" Clary asked.
"You both really don't know much, do you?" Isabelle asked us. I shook my head. "We know nothing." "All we know is that some physchos had taken my Mother, and... now you people have taken us." Clary said.
"Mundane's shouldn't even be here." A boy said, walking into the room. I looked at him, and all he did was glare back at me. What did I ever to do him?
"Where is 'here' exactly?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"They're not mundane's, Alec." Jace said.
"How do you know that?" With Alec's eyes trained on mine.
"Because the seraph blade lit up when Bella touched it." Jace said. "Look, Isabelle. Can you..." Jace said.
He moved her out of the way to sit on Clary's bed.
"I'm Jace wayland."
"I'm, uh... Clary Fray. And that's my sister, B-"
"Clary and Bella Fray. We know who you guys are."
How do these people know us?
"Am I the only one who finds this unusual?" Alec asked. "You find everything unusual, Alec." Isabelle said. "I have to report this to the Clave." "What the hell is a Clave?" I asked. No one answered me. "You know what? Dial it down a notch."
"My brother doesn't have a dial. I love you, Alec. But you have a switch that's always on." Isabelle said.
"Love you too, but this..." He said, pointing at me.
"Hey, you know what? Give me an minute." Jace said to Alec.
"What is with you?" Alec asked Jace.
"Walk with me, big brother," Isabelle said. She linked arms with Alec and walked out of the room.
Seriously, what is his problem? He gets mad at Clary and I for not knowing what the hell is happening here? Then it was just Jace, Clary, and I. Us alone with the stunning stranger.