Chapter Thirteen ✓

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"You, me, and Bella." He told Clary.

"Simon, there's demons out there, okay?" Wow, I cannot believe that I just said that. "Bella's right. Actual demon's with tentacles that will murder us." Clary said. I nodded, frowning.

"Do you even know how to kill a demon?" I asked him. "I'm an Internet search kinda guy." Simon replied. I sighed, placing my hand on my forehead.

"Simon, I really don't think it's that simple."

"I bet you it's not that hard."

"Whoa," I said. I looked at the weapons that Isabelle had. She ran her finger over one of them and Jace smacked it away, folding his arms. "No, Izzy." "Fifty-bucks says he doesn't approve this mission." Isabelle said, grinning. "I don't approve this mission." Alec said.

He walked over and stood by me. "I spoke with the Clave. They're sending in Seelie scouts to search for Valentine. They made it clear that little girls do not leave the premises." Alec said, placing his palm in front of my face.

I glared, smacking it away from me. "Hey, my name is not 'little girl' alright?" I snapped. "And I don't care what the Clave thing wants we're going to find Dot." I told him, glaring. "Oh, and you can't stop me." Jade raised his eyebrows. "Alec, this Warlock could have the answers to everything." Jace said.

"With Valentine's people out there searching for Clary and Bella, they're not safe alone."

"I'd be fine."

"Jace has a point." Isabelle said. I frowned, running a hand through my hair.

"You too, Izzy?"

"All right, since you have all the answers Bella, where do you suggest we look first?" Alec asked me.

"We should start at Dot's apartment in Green-point. There's this thrift store and she's-"

All of the sudden I felt my necklace move. I watched it glow and I placed my hand on it. Dot was running into the club where we just were yesterday. I gasped, my eyes widening.

"What's wrong? What is it?"

"I um... "exhale, "Weirdly, I think I know where Dot is," I said, running a hand through my hair. "Great. I'll drive." Simon said, holding his hand out with the keys. Everyone silent. Alec even stopped talking for once. Isabelle giggles. "What?"

"Unless you have like a shadowhunter mobile or something."

"Really, Simon? Really." I said, shaking my head.

"You were kidding about the runes on the floor killing me, right?" He asked. Alec, Jace, and Isabelle walked away. I followed along with them.

"Wait! Am I gonna die?!"

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