Chapter Eleven ✓

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"BELLA!" JACE SHOUTED. "Bella, look. Can you just calm down?" Jace asked me, as he grabbed my arm.

"Calm down!" I yelled at him, causing a few people to look at us who were in the institute. I ignored the stares, and continued to shoot daggers at the boy who told me to calm down. That was one of my pet peeves. "Really, calm down?" I breathed out. "Okay, Jace. You might be some kind of emotionless G-I Jo but-"

"What is a G I Jo?" Jace asked. I frowned.

"A soldier who doesn't understand human emotions. Who doesn't know what it's like to loose someone. To loose your own Mother." I explained, folding my arms. "You're right, Bella. I never knew my Mother."

My eyes widened. "J-Jace. I'm so sorry." I felt like an idiot.

I can't believe I just said that. "That's precisely my point. You don't know me, you don't know my life, but in the shadow world, no training and no plan gets you killed." "I have a plan," I said, stomping my foot like a five year old. "And what, exactly, is that plan?"

"To kill Valentine."

Clary sighed. "Okay, so we know that Valentine is back and he wants the cup, and for some reason, he thinks our Mother has it." Clary said. "Could she?" Jace asked. I raised an eyebrow. "Have the cup?" "I don't know!" "Look, guys. You know about the runes. You've drawn them."

That's different. I didn't even know why I was drawing them that day. I was just bored, and thought I was coming up with a cool design. I guess it meant a lot more than just some stupid drawing idea which I thought was great.

"No, I don't!" I said, throwing my hands up in confusion. "You... You know something. Think, please." "I've tried, Jace, okay? But all I see is this empty blackness!" Clary said.

"Your memories have been wiped." Jace said, suddenly seeming to think of something else.

"What?" I asked.

"That's not possible." I said, shaking my head.

"Absolutely. If you know a Warlock."

"A what now?" I asked.

"A Warlock, Bella," Jace said, almost amused, "Immortal beings. They're half-demon half human."

"Dot!" I said. I turned to Clary. "Dot, Mom's assistant. Her hands had this purple glow when she opened the wall and when our Mom pushed us through, we ended up at the police station." I explained to him. "That was a portal. Dot must have been a Warlock. Only Warlocks can create them." Jace said.

"Wait, so you're saying if we find the real Dot then she could help us find the cup and get our Mom back?" Clary asked. "Unless she's working for Valentine." I smirked. "Even better. She'll lead us right to him." Clary and I high-five.

"Where the hell is Simon?"

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