Chapter Thirty Three ✓

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"BELLA, ARE YOU CRAZY?" CLARY YELLED AT ME. She looked down at my food. "What? Want a slice?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. Clary folded her arms.

"This isn't funny, Bell." She sounded serious. "I thought something bad happened to you."

"Well, I'm completely fine. And hungry, so if you'll excuse me I'm going to eat my delicious pizza without you two ruining it." I went to take a bite.

"What were you thinking?" Alec asked me. I shrugged. "Do you know how worried we've been?" Clary said. "You could have been dead somewhere for all we know!" I got up and grabbed my bag.

"Where do you think you're going?" Alec asked.

"Anywhere where you guys aren't."

"Bella, enough!" Clary yelled. I stormed out. "Bella, what's going on?" "Nothing is going on, okay? I just want a break! We've been locked up in that institute for who knows how long. I just needed some air and some pizza. That's all." I told her frustrated, turning around and started walking again. "That's all?" Alec asked.

"Really, Bella? That's all? What happens if a demon came? Or a shape-shifter? Or one of Valentine's guards took you?" Clary said. I huffed. "I said I'm fine!" I sprinted away from Clary and Alec while Clary called after me. I groaned and sprinted all the way to our apartment. I made my way to our apartment without Clary and Alec following me.

Good. Maybe they realized I finally needed to be alone. I walked up the flight of steps and I headed inside. I felt my heart break as I looked around.

Couches were flipped over, the antique cups were all on the ground. I walked into to my room and opened up my door. I looked around, tears filled my eyes.

There's nothing left of me here.

I opened up my closet and I grabbed a bag. I gathered everything that wasn't burnt to pieces including some of my jewelry, and clothes that were still okay, and my old art sketches.

"Bella." I heard a voice at my door. I knew that it was Alec's. "Leave me alone," I said, throwing stuff in my bag. "Bella." "I said leave me alone!" Alec shut the door behind him while I looked through my drawers, grabbing whatever else I could find that wasn't ruined. I then put the rest of my stuff in my bag. I grabbed the picture of my Mother and I looked at it. 

"Clary is really worried about you," He said as he walked over to me. "So?" Alec stepped closer to me. I stopped what I was doing. He placed his hand on my shoulder. Tears filled my eyes, and one of them dropped. He can't see me like this. He just can't.

"Bella, I'm sorry," Alec said. He looked around my room.

"Whatever," I mumbled. I stared at my burnt bed.

"Bella, look at me."

"No, Alec. I can't-" Alec placed his hands on my face and he made me look at him. He looked down at my lips, then up at my eyes.

What's he doing? I felt his lips smash onto mine. I did what any girl would do, and kiss back. I kissed him back and it felt wonderful. His soft lips collided against mine perfectly. I stepped on his toes so I could reach better. I pulled back, he had widen eyes.

"I-I'm sorry." He said. "Don't be," I said, kissing him again.

"I've been wanting to do that since I've met you," I said, sheepishly.

Which it's true. I did. But now it finally had happened. His hands left my face and slid down my waist. He smiled a little, he kept a serious face on.

"Okay, we should go." Alec said. I nodded, agreeing.

I grabbed his hand then we walked out of the door and headed to Clary's room. I let go of Alec's hand and I saw Simon and Clary. My face is probably still hot from kissing Alec.

"Bella!" Clary said, she walked over to me.

"Are you ok?" She asked. She brought me in a hug.

"Y-yeah. I'm okay." I said. Of course I'm okay. Alec kissed me. "You okay?" I asked her, when she pulled away and looked around her room. "There's nothing left of us here." Clary frowned. I nodded, "I know."

"Of course there isn't. Your Mother was trying to erase any trace that you guys existed." Alec explained. "So that you couldn't be tracked. She was protecting you." I looked over at him and blushed.

He looked at me and pursed his lips into a straight line. "Let's see how well that worked." Clary said.

"You and Bella are alive, aren't you?" Alec said.

"These floorboards. They sound different in these two spots. Can you hear it?" Simon asked, he moved his foot over the floor twice.

"There's something under here." Simon grinned, "Another score for Brooklyn." Simon opened the board up. 

"Hey, out of the way," Alec said to Simon, crouching down next to him. "You're welcome." Simon said standing up, annoyed.

"There's something down here," Alec said.

He reached his hands under the floor board and pulled out a strange looking box. What the hell is that? "Is this the box you remember?" Alec asked Clary. I looked at Clary furrowing my eyebrows.

"Yeah. She used to wait until she thought I was asleep then she took it out," Clary said, walking over to Alec.

"Well, let's open it," Simon said, curious.

"I don't know what any of this is."

There was some weird stuff in there. I'm so confused. I stared at the white shoe and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "There's someone here," Alec said when we heard a noise. "Stay here. Don't move, okay?" Alec said. I nodded, looking at him. When Alec left, there was another noise in the house and I gasped.

"Clary!" I yelled. I saw to men walking over to us,
and following behind them. I gasped as one of them dragged me and pulled me outside. "Bella!" Clary shouted. "Clair!" I screeched. I tried kicking the man away. Simon, Clary, and I were all being dragged outside. Oh, god. This isn't good.

"Alec!" I shouted. "Shut up, Bella," the man said, hand-cuffing me. "Get off me!" I screeched. "No!" I yelled. "Alec!" I screamed before my head was shoved under the cop car and I was forced in. Simon and Clary were sitting right beside me. I looked to my left and saw Alec running towards us. I banged on the window before the car drove away.


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