Chapter Twenty Eight ✓

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THE RUNE HURT LIKE HELL. I screamed as Jace did it to me and I felt like crying after. Clary and I were on the ground, and we just finished the pentagram half an hour later.

"Jocelyn was right. Your guises artistry is beyond compare." "Well, I don't know about that." I said, grinning while looking at the pentagram. "Oh, the only person I've ever known who could draw as well as this was Michael Angelo. Who was, excellent in bed, might I add." Isabelle giggled. "Okay," Magnus said, "We're ready." Am I really ready for this?


I stood next to Alec at the edge of the pentagram.

"We must initiate a bond. Once this bond is sealed it cannot be broken until the demon retreats. No matter what happens, we must not let go of each others hands." Magnus explained to all of us.

I looked to my left and hesitated before Alec placed his hand in mine. Our arms formed straight. I looked nervously at Alec. "You people are pathetic." Isabelle said. She held hands with Clary. "I will lead the ceremony and you must do exactly as I say." Magnus said.

"The demon's name is Valek. And at some point, he will ask a payment in exchange for Clary and Bella's memories." Magnus said.

"What do you mean? What kind of payment?" Alec asked. "We will see." Magnus said.

"Let us begin."

"The necklace. It's pulsing." Isabelle said. I looked over at her and saw that her necklace was making a noise and it was pulsing red.

"Valek is among us. Do not break the bond!" Magnus yelled.

Wind starts blowing around us and I felt my heart racing. "Hold on!" Jace shouted to Clary.

"I'm trying!" Clary yelled back. "It is time. The demon demands it's payments." Magnus said.

There was a big gray dark cloud. "What does it want?" Jace asked. "We must relinquish a beloved memory of the ones we love most." Well, that should be easy. Even though there is a giant memory demon in front of us. Oh, my god, I can't believe I just said that. My memory came out and it was of Clary and my Mom. Isabelle's was of Alec smiling. Clary's was of my Mom and I.

It was Alec's turn.

The memory came out of his heart and then it was pictured on the demon. Is Oh, my god. Why am I in there? Alec loves me? No, the demon has to be making a mistake. Alec can't love me. We barely know each other.

"No, it's not true! The demon deceived me!" Alec yelled, pulling on my arm. Do I feel the same way?

My pictures still there, I'm smiling with Isabelle, then I looked straight.

"Do not break the bond, Alec!" Magnus yelled.

"Alec, it's okay!" Isabelle told him.

"No!" Alec yelled. "No!" Jace yelled. Then the bond of the demon broke. Alec pulled away from me and I gasped, falling to the ground. The demon got mad and it spun around making me fly into the wall. Oh, my god no!

My memories!

"Jace!" Isabelle yelled. My vision was a little blurry from hitting the wall, I saw Jace being lifted into the demon and I yelped. Clary was across the floor, and Alec was with Isabelle.

"Grab him!" Isabelle yelled, "Grab him!"

"Hold on!" Alec yelled. "The demon is growing stronger!" Magnus yelled. "He's slipping!" Alec yelled. "Clary, Bella, help us!" Isabelle yelled.

"Clary, if you kill the demon, yours and Bella's memories will be gone forever!" Magnus shouted over the loud noises. Clary ignored him and grabbed the saraph- blade and longed into the demon and killed it. Jace gasps for breathe as he falls on to the ground and I yelped. "Jace..." Clary whispered. Jace landed on the ground and we all crowded around him.

Alec was beside me and I looked up at him. He glared, he then walked over to the door. I frowned, pursing my lips together, focusing my attention back on to Jace. "Oh, my god. Jace! Jace, get up." Clary said. "Is he gonna be alright?" I asked Magnus.

"I don't know. Does he normally lay down without moving?" Magnus asked. I scoffed, rolling my eyes.

"Jace, get up," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder. "I'm alright," Jace gasped, as he grasped for breath and woke up.

He coughed then sat up, "I'm alright. I'm alright." He said. "I'm okay. I'm just getting my second wind."

"Jace, you're okay!" I yelled. I hugged him. "I'm okay, Bella," Jace said. I pulled away. "Thank god you're okay. For a second there... I thought we lost you." Clary said.

"Remind me again... Uh, what's the count on how many times I saved yours and Bella's life?" Jace asked. I shrugged, smiling a little. "I...I think we're all even." Clair said. Jace chuckles then coughs. "I don't think so." I chuckled.

Thank god Jace is okay, but my memories are gone forever and so is my Mother. I'm never going to find her.

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