Chapter Ten ✓

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"I can't believe... our Mother, she..." Clary stammered.

"This couldn't be happening." I whispered, bringing my hands towards my hair.

"The important thing is that Jocelyn left the circle. And so none of this even matters because Valentine died in a fire years ago." Hodge said, he groaned again in pain. I felt so bad for him for making him do this. "Hodge, Hodge!" I said. "I-I'm sorry, but we can't do this."

"Bella, we don't have another choice." Jace said to me. "You understand that Hodge, right?"

"Jace is right," Hodge choked out, "Valentine nearly destroyed the shadow world and the humanity along with it. If he'd gotten the cup..." My eyes widened.

"Wait a minute," I said. "Our mother told us she hid something from someone." I bite my lower lip. "If it's this cup..."

"The Mortal Cup is the most important object in the shadow world. Whoever possesses it can create more Shadowhunters. And in the wrong hands, demons." Jace explained.

Clary gasped. "If Jocelyn hid the cup from Valentine, then she's in more danger than you can possible imagine," Hodge said. He gasped for air again from the burn on his neck. "Hodge," Jace said. "I hate making you suffer like this." Clary said. "I'm so sorry!" "Your Mother was only trying to protect you girls. Stop Valentine before he destroys us all."

Skinny Love ↠ Alec Lightwood ✓Where stories live. Discover now