Chapter 1

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This is my first fanfic so please do not judge me too much. Please comment if you want me to continue this. Here we go.
Author's POV
Twenty minutes. She had been waiting for twenty minutes. He still hadn't shown up. It was a cold spring day, and the chill of the wind wasn't welcoming. She knew it was a bad idea.

'It's only stealing the answers' he said.

'Nobody will ever find out' he said.

Twenty minutes after he told her to meet him at the back of the school, she was still waiting. She heard a pair of shuffling footsteps.

"I'm so glad you're finally here, I thought you weren't gonna come," Emma said.

What she wasn't expecting was for Neal to say,"See Mr. Mendel, I told you she would be here."

"Miss Swan," said Mr. Mendel,"You know that cheating isn't tolerated at this school."

"Of course sir I would neve-,"replied Emma, but was cut off with,

"Then you understand why I am expelling you."

Emma couldn't believe what was happening to her. Her world was falling apart. "Neal, how could you?!" Neal didn't dare meet her eyes.

"Mr. Mendel, she even has one of the answer sheets in her bag, just check."

And low and behold, the bastard had snuck his evidence in her book bag.

"Thank you Mr. Cassidy, you did the right thing. Miss Swan, I will be informing the system that you will be moving schools," said Mr. Mendel.

With that, he and Neal walked away. Emma was standing there, alone and shivering, and with tears streaming down her face. All she could think about was when they said their first 'I love you's', how he was the one who had taken her virginity, and how she was never going to let somebody take her heart again.
Three months later
Emma was sitting in the back of the car when they passed the Welcome to Storybrooke sign. 'They' being Emma, Mary Margaret, and David. Three days ago, the couple came into the foster home claiming to be Emma's birth parents. Her current foster family was more than happy to let her go. Emma was still mad at them for giving her up, although she still hadn't asked them why.

"Emma, sweetie, we're here," said Mary Margaret as she pulled Emma from her thoughts.

"Wow!" said Emma, "This place is huge."

David chuckled. "Do you want to go see your room?"

"Of course," she said. After she had settled in, she admired her handiwork. One queen sized bed with black and white sheets, a small hang out space, and a few posters. "Home sweet home," Emma said to herself.

"Emma, dinner is ready," Mary Margaret called.

"Be right there!"

Emma was about to ask what the wifi password was when David said,"So, tomorrow will be your first day at Storybrooke High."

"Oh," was all Emma could manage.

"Don't worry,"said Mary Margaret," I know some of the girls there, and they are the sweetest."

Emma mustered up a smile," I'm sure they are," she inwardly rolled her eyes. "I better go to bed now," she said.

"Oh okay," said Mary. Margaret,"Goodnight."

Emma lay awake in bed or about an hour thinking about what her knew school was gonna be like. She wasn't excited. It was just gonna be boring, blend in with the crowd and get picked on. This will be great! The voice in her head was very sarcastic. Little did she know that she was in for one hell of a year.
That was my first chapter! Eeeeeeeek! 😁😁😁 Please tell me if you like it or not. And if you did, don't worry, Killy Bear will be in the next chapter.

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