Chapter 37

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Killian's POV
It was a hassle convincing Coach to let Emma stay with me. They wanted to see her, but I knew that I had to respect Emma's wishes. I just hope that this won't come back to bite me in the ass.
Emma's POV
I woke up with Killian's arms wrapped around me. I just went through something pretty intense, and now I have to apologize to my boyfriend and my parents. I nudged Killian's shoulder,

"Killian," all I got in response was a snore,"Killy," I rolled my eyes,"Killy Bear," still no response. I peppered kisses along his jaw in hopes to wake him up. He started to stir, and I made my way to his lips. He groaned and flipped us over so I was on my back. He kissed me passionately and I pulled back to look into those gorgeous blue eyes of his.

"Good morning," I said, breathless from his kiss.

"Good morning indeed," I lightly laughed,"And also, Killy Bear, really?" I smacked his shoulder. That bastard,

"You were awake the whole time?" I kind of shouted. He chuckled and kissed my temple,

"I'll make you French toast if it makes you feel better," wait, he can cook? Does he get any more perfect?

"It better be some damn good French toast,"

"It will," then he threw me over his shoulder and carried me to the kitchen. I was giggling and screaming the whole time. After breakfast, I was satisfied. That is until he spoke up,



"We need to talk," he had a solemn look in his eyes that made me a little unnerved. I nodded.

"What do we need to talk about?" I tried to play the innocent card. He sighed,

"First, why did you want to kill yourself?" I opened my mouth but no words came out. How the hell did he know that?!

"Wha- h-how did you kn-know that?" He grabbed my hands,

"I know you better than you know yourself love," he looked at me as if to say, 'well?'

"Well, we had just broken up, and I had a huge argument with my parents. I was upset and wanted to run away, but I knew I couldn't. I had done it for too long. I hated my life and wanted it to end. I was about to jump off the cliff when Neal took me," I refused to look him in the eye the whole time,

"And now?" He questioned,

"When Neal and Pan took me, I realized that I wanted a life with my family, my friends...with you," I could see his eyes were glossed with tears, and he captures my lips in a searing kiss.

"I want a life with you too Swan," I smiled and hugged his torso. He kissed my hair and mumbled,

"You need to make up with your parents love," I agreed and he drove me to their house.

"Can you come in with me?" I asked with my best puppy eyes.

"Well how can I say no to that?" I smirked and opened the car door. I opened the door and found them in the living room. They got up but didn't make a move toward me. I could feel tears streaming down my face,

"Mom, Dad," I ran to them and hugged them. I buried my face in my mom's neck and Dad rested his chin on my head.

"I'm so sorry, I was just so upset over my breakup. I love you guys, and I am thrilled about the baby. It's just a little hard for me to digest," Mom held my shoulders gently and looked me in the eye,

"We would never replace you, we love you Emma," I smiled and headed to my room to find Killian sitting on my bed. I locked my door and that caught his attention. I was feeling good right now. We could now have sex without some psycho watching. He raised his eyebrow in that sexy manner that I loved. I shrugged out of my-well his jacket, and sat myself so I was looking down on him.

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