Chapter 22

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The winter finale has beaten the crap out of me, and chomped me in the behind. I'm an emotional wreck. I cried myself to sleep from the shock of everything and I've had a terrible headache the whole day from crying. Anyway, can't wait till march
Emma's POV
I woke up next to Killian and snuggled into his chest. He woke up with a groan. He looked at me and softly kissed me,

"Good morning love, this is a great way to wake up," I smiled and buried my head into his neck.

"I love you Killian,"

"I love you too Swan," I closed my eyes and breathed in his scent. I'm so glad it's Saturday. I heard some rustling and a knock at the door. David spoke,

"Emma open this door!"

"Shit!" I pushed Killian and he fell out of the bed,

"Ow! What the hell?" I cringed,

"Sorry, I'm panicking," David sounded pissed,

"If you don't open this door I'm coming in!"

"NO! I mean, please don't Dad,"

"Why," I thought of the first thing, and it wasn't a lie,

"I'm naked!"

"Put on some clothes then!" I told Killian to just come back in bed, we're gonna be caught. He sighed and we braced ourselves for hurricane David Nolan.

"That's it! I'm coming in!"
Mary Margaret's POV (20 minutes earlier)
Last night there was a storm. I remembered Emma mentioning her fear of storms. I was going to check on her when I heard a male voice say,

"I love you," I slowly backed away from her door. It's Killian! Oh my goodness, he said 'I love you'! I think they're snogging each others' faces off. sigh. I need to make sure David doesn't go up there. I did a happy dance. Anyway, today went into the kitchen. David came in,

"Emma never sleeps in this late, maybe I should check on her," I dropped my fork,

"NO!" He crossed his arms. I tried to recover, "I mean...damnit," he started walking to her room. Oh Jesus.
Emma's POV
"That's it, I'm coming in!" I made sure the covers were around me and Killian's private areas securely. The door swung open and hurricane David Nolan exploded,

"WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING IN HERE!?!?" Mom ran up here,

"David calm down," she held him back.

"What do you mean calm down?" If looks could kill my dad would be dead. He backed off but stared at us,

"Why is he in your bed, and why are you both naked," Killian spoke up but I wished he hadn't,

"Do I really need to explain the birds and the bees Coach? Okay, well when a man loves a woman..." Dad was shocked. He swallowed,

" her?" Killian nodded,

"Very much," he looked at me,

"And you love him?" I nodded and smiled at Killian. He smiled back and kissed the top of my head. Dad sighed,

"Okay, but don't make noise. It's already bad enough I know what you two do, I don't need to hear it," I blushed an looked down. Killian smirked,

"Yes sir," Mom and Dad left and me and Killian laughed.

"Well love, I guess the cat's out of the bag," I giggled and said,

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