Chapter 38

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For real this happened-My mom: what do you want for Christmas?
Me:I sent her this ^
My mom: *face-palms*
Emma's POV
I was going crazy trying to figure out what to wear for Killian's party. Not only that, but I had to get him, my parents, and my friends gifts. Talk about stress! I decided that for the guys I'm getting them each a tie. For Ruby I'm getting her this red handbag she wanted, Belle Barnes and Noble gift card (obviously), and for Elsa a pair of really pretty earrings. For August Im getting him this butterfly knife that he really wanted. I'm getting my dad nice red dress shirt, apparently that's the only color he doesn't have. For my mom I'm getting a really pretty maternity dress that says soon to be mommy. Now all that's left is Killian. This is going to be hard. Wait! I know what one of them will be, *wink wink*. I need to call Ruby.
Phone Call
Ruby: whassup my best bitch?

Emma:love you too. We need to go shopping

Ruby:for what?

Emma: well for one, a dress for Killian's Christmas party

Ruby: and for two?
I could here the smirk in her voice.
Emma: well we need to go to Victoria's Secret for that

Ruby: I'm in
Call Ended
Leave it to Ruby to totally want to help me in anything related to that subject. I need to hang out with Killian to figure out what he wants. I'm not asking him though, that's too obvious. I have to be subtle.
Phone Call
Killian: hello love

Emma: hey asshole

Killian: your words wound me Swan

Emma: shut up

Killian: why did you call me again?

Emma: meet me at Sunset hills in fifteen

Killian: but it's 10 at night

Emma: your point is...?

Killian: meet you in fifteen
Call Ended
I love how I get my way with him. I went downstairs and yelled before leaving,

"I'm going out! Be back before midnight!" I left before I got a response. I saw Killian hanging out by the swans. I linked my arm with his,

"Walk with me?" He nodded. We ended up laying on the ground looking up at the stars. He was telling me about the constellations. When he was done I said,

"I never knew you liked astronomy," he chuckled.

"Always loved it, but never got a good look at it. Father would never buy me a telescope to look up at the stars," Idea! I know exactly what I'm getting him. A telescope.
Time skip (the next day at noon)
I was meeting Ruby at the mall. I'm so glad that we're on Christmas break. I am not in the mood for school right now. I saw Ruby standing in front of a fancy store that had really overpriced clothes.

"No way Rubs, I'm not shopping there," she laughed,

"Relax Ems, this is Belle, Elsa, and I's present to you," I relaxed a little.

"Okay, and thanks," I'm not really used to people spending a lot of money on me. Foster thing. We probably spent an hour in that store because I'm so damn picky,

"Emma, I swear to god, if you don't pick this dress, I'm gonna fucking kill you!" She screeched. Jeez. It was a really beautiful dress, that's why she really wanted me to buy it. I put it on and her jaw dropped.

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