Chapter 7

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Killian's POV
Why did I hide Ms. DeVil's whiskey? Because I could. I just had to. It's like it was calling to me. The woman is drunk off her ass half the time, so I was curious to see what her reaction was. The spray paint thing wasn't me, it was Victor being a dumbass. He wants to get into medical school though, and for that he needs a clean record, so I took the fall for him. When she took me to the Calculous class I was surprised. I suck at math, much less Calculous! I saw Swan and she was annoyed. After I sat down next to her, I saw her studying French. I am amazing at French. My brother Liam was (he died 6 years ago) in the navy and taught me many things. One of them being French. I had a brilliant plan.
Emma's POV
"Emma," Killian said. I decided to ignore him.

"Emma," I still kept my mouth shut.

"If you don't answer me I'm gonna finger you again," that did it. I looked up from my notes,


"I have a proposition," here we go,"You tutor me in Calculous, and I'll tutor you in French,"

"How do you know I need help in French?"

"I am a man of many talents, one of those being quite perceptive," I rolled my eyes.

"Fine, your house or mine?"

"Mine will do much nicely love," yet another thing I need to talk to Ruby about.

During lunch I saw one of Killian's friends, Victor, flirting with Ruby. And she was flirting back. I decided not to bother her. I haven't really talked to Elsa or Belle, so I made small talk with them. They are both super sweet and we had a good laugh together. When school was done I texted Mary Margaret telling her I wouldn't be home till later.

Unknown: here's my address Swan

Emma: how did u get my number

Killian: a little birdie with red highlights told me

Emma:figures. C u soon

I drove to Killian's house and rang the doorbell. Killian opened and led me to his room. It was pretty big, and had an all black theme.

"So Swan, where should we start?" He said as he clapped his hands together.

"Uh I could give you some math tips first, and then you can help me with French," after I finished tutoring him it was his turn to tutor me.

"Let's see what you know so far," he said something in French and I had to look it up. I smacked him when I figured out what he said.

"What the bloody hell was that for?"

"Wanna have sex. Really?" He chuckled. An hour later he had actually helped me with my French.

"So Swan,"


"On Friday Jeff is having his annual Halloween party. Do you want to come?" My first party of the year.

"Sure. Can I bring Ruby?"

"Of course,"

"Well, bye,"
Friday night 6pm
Oh my god! I can't believe I'm wearing this. This is what I get for agreeing to his terms.
Thursday (creative writing)
Mr. Heller gave us our homework and I just finished.

"Swan," Killian said in a loud whisper.


"What'd you get for number fifteen?"

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