Chapter 6

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Emma's POV
I stepped out of my bug and hopped into Killian's.

"Welcome to the Jolly Roger!"

"Seriously, you named your car?" This was pathetic.

"Yes I named my car. On with it. Where do you live?" I told him my address and we headed over there. We sat in a comfortable silence. By the time we reached my house, it was raining really heavily. There is no way anybody could drive in that. So I did what anybody with human nature would do.

"You have to come inside,"

"Wow Swan. At least wait until the third date," I raised my eyebrows.
"Just kidding love, I'd never pass up the opportunity to make you scr-,"

"Ok. Just come inside. There's no way you can drive home in this," he sighed by complied. I rang the doorbell because my key hasn't come in yet. David answered the door. Great.

"Emma hey. Jones what are you doing here?" David gave him a stern look, I resisted the urge to giggle.

"Well Coach, the lass's bug wouldn't start so I offered I ride home, and now it looks like I'm stuck here," David sighed,

"Come in," Mary Margaret saw us.

"Oh Killian," she heard his story,"Would you like some dinner?"

"Thank you for the offer Mrs. Nolan, but no thank you." Wow, bad boy's got some manners. David tossed him some pajama pants and Killian caught them. David said with a very serous face,

"No funny business Jones," Killian sighed,

"Whatever you say coach," David just walked away. I rolled my eyes and told him to follow me. When we reached my room I closed the door.

"So where do I sleep?" He scratched behind his ear. It was kinda cute. Wait no Emma, not cute.

"Well my bed is pretty big so we can share,"

"I love the thought of sharing a bed with you, Swan," I huffed and pulled out my pjs. I smirked, another idea came. I turned so my back would face him. I took off my jeans and was left in black lace underwear. I took off my shirt so he could see my matching bra. I slipped on my shorts and unhooked my bra. I then put on a tank top. I turned around and was greeted by a smirking blue eyed scoundrel with a raised eyebrow,

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Oh nothing darling, nothing at all," he replied while biting his lip. "Shall we?"

We climbed into bed and then the electricity went out. I heard the wind howling. I have a bad history with storms, and my breathing came out fast.

"You ok love?" He looked genuinely concerned. I couldn't speak so I just nodded. Just then a big lightning bolt struck and mad a huge noise. If was so loud it shook my room a little. I let out a high pitched shriek and jumped into Killian's arms. I was engulfed by big strong arms.

"Are you afraid of thunder love?"

"I just have a history with storms, and I developed a bad fear of them," I say.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"Ok," I took a deep breath. "When I was a little girl in the foster system, I would sleep in a corner of a room. I was very frightened when there was thunder and lightning. The real kids that the family had would go to their parents rooms for comfort. If I tried to go they would shove me out of the room and wouldn't let me in. I cried because I was scared, just as any child would be. But when I cried, they would hit me, and the more I cried, the harder the blow." I didn't realize there were tears streaming down my face until Killian wiped them away. I surprisingly felt better.

"Thanks for telling me love," I gave him a weak smile. As I was about to turn away, he pulled me tighter to him so I couldn't escape his embrace (not that I really wanted to). I nestled my head into his chest and he rested his face in my neck. He held me tightly and I wrapped my arms around his waist.
When we woke up, I separated myself from him.

"Killian wake up," all I got was a snore. I started poking up. Still he wouldn't budge. I shook him awake and yelled

"WAKE UPPPPP!!!!!!!!!" He fell out of the bed. I started laughing.

"BLOODY HELL!!! First time I've ever woken up with a woman and not have had sex with her," I rolled my eyes.

"I want revenge,"

"Whatever," he then tackled me so I was pinned to the floor and he was straddling me. My eyes were wide. His eyes were a dark sapphire color. Yup, he was definitely awake.

"Normally, I prefer to do other more enjoyable activities, with a woman on her back," I took a sharp intake of breath. He moved my hair and started placing hot, open mouthed kisses on my neck. Dammmmn. This felt so good. I moaned and I could feel him smirking against my neck. He sucked on my collarbone and was definitely gonna leave a hickey. And the damn bastard knew it. He started grinding against me and I met his pace. All of a sudden he got up and said,

"Well, time for school!"

"What the hell!!"

"What? I need my education," I mumbled somethings intelligible like

"mmmmmfkkkngbsstrrd" he just chuckled and we got ready for school. When we got to school he joined his little clique and I searched for Ruby. She found me.

"Why the hell did you arrive to school with Killian Jones?" She had her hands on her hips and demanded some answers.

"Yesterday my car wouldn't start so he offered me a ride home, and it was a really bad storm so he stayed the night," she was looking at me really weirdly. Ok I'm confused. Is there something on my face? Her eyes went wide and she gasped.

"Ruby what's wro-,"

"IS THAT A HICKEY?!?!?!?!?"

"Shut the fuck up!!! Tell the whole school why don't you!"


"You really need to work on your yelling. Yes it's a hickey. The bastard started kissing my neck and grinding on me, and then he just got up and said, time to go to school!!" She started laughing. She asked in between big gulps of air,


"Uhhh, yeah," she started laughing again. Whatever, I headed to class.
My third period was Calculous but I'm actually really good at it. I've always been a wiz at math, but I'm kind of really bad at French. Like I'm failing French. I had just finished the Calculous homework with 45 minutes to spare, when Ms. DeVil came rushing in with Killian and was pulling him by the collar. Everyone started laughing.

"That's it!! I've had it with him!! You take him. I don't have enough Gin to deal with him," Mr. Glass sighed,

"Ms. DeVil, he can't just be transferred into Calculous. He has to qualify,"

"I don't give a damn!!! HE HID MY WHISKEY AND SPRAY PAINTED MY RADIO PURPLE!!! Of all the colors purple!" With that she stomped away leaving an amused Killian in the hallway. Mr. Glass sighed,

"Whatever, Mr. Jones have a seat by Miss Swan and she'll give you pointers," of fucking course! Why does he always have to sit next to me.

"So love, I guess we're stuck with each other again?"
So my Cygnets that's that. I know I do a lot of Emma's POV, but I like it more, and it's easier. I will do Killian's though. If you have any questions or anything you have to comment because my phone doesn't let me message on wattpad. Your questions can be about the story or they can be about me. Nothing is too personal. Please comment and tell me what you think.

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