Chapter 30

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Emma's POV
Monday was very uneventful. It was, very surprisingly, boring. It was quiet, too quiet. Like the calm before a storm. I tried to shake it off, there's no need to rattle myself up. On Tuesday I chose to wear black jeans, black boots, a white long sleeve t-shirt, and a green scarf. It was starting to get cold, and since it's close to Christmas I decided that the green was appropriate. Dad made pancakes, like a lot of pancakes. He had at least twenty pancakes stacked around the table.

"Dad, I'm a seventeen year old girl, not a Romanian weight lifter," he laughed and apologized. I left after eating three of the many pancakes. I sat down next to Killian and opened my textbook. Killian left to use the restroom, and I felt someone's eyes on me. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't ignore the burning sensation that someone was staring at me. I quickly looked over my shoulder, and there was only one person there. Neal. He winked and I quick turned back around. He disgusts me. I was counting the seconds it took for Killian to come back. After ninety-three he came back in the room. I sighed in relief and grabbed his hand.

"Is everything alright love?" I shook my head,

"Five o'clock," he turned and saw Neal. He snarled in his direction, but I rested my hand on his knee to calm him down. He smiled at me, but his eyes showed a strained-tense look. The bell rang and we gathered out things. I made sure that I was never alone for the whole school day. I couldn't help but feel that Neal was going to do something. I kissed Killian goodbye and headed home. All I need is a nice hot, relaxing shower. I adjusted the water to the temperature that I wanted, and started to strip. I got in the shower, but it wasn't relaxing. The pit in my stomach just grew larger. I thought I heard a rustle,

"Killian?" There was no response. I grabbed my towel with trembling fingers, and quickly turned off the water. I wrapped the towel around me tightly and hastily stepped out of the shower. I grabbed another towel to wrap my hair in.

"My, my, aren't we looking nice," I turned around to see who said that.

"Gotta say, I have missed this view," Neal stepped out of his hiding place and I screamed as loud as I could. Hopefully my dad would here me.

"NEAL WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!!!???!!!???" I screeched. How did her get into my room, and what the hell does he want.

"Relax babe I just wanted to see if we could have some fun," he licked his lips and backed me into a corner," I could not have this happen again. I knees him in the balls and screamed,

"DADDY!!!" My dad came bursting in the room with a look that could kill the entire population times two.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU AND WHY ARE YOU IN MY DAUGHTER'S ROOM?!?!" He bellowed. Neal looked a little scared, but mainly smug.

"Relax man, I was just leaving," he leaned into my ear to whisper something,

"This isn't over," I gulped and he left. I started sobbing and my dad hugged me. He then realized I was still in a towel,

"You get changed and we can talk downstairs okay," I nodded. I changed in the bathroom for fear that Neal did something to my room. I went downstairs looking puffy faced and with bloodshot eyes. My mom made me some coco.

"Thanks Mom, how did you know I like it with cinnamon?" She smiled.

"I like it like that too," we sat down and I started talking,

"That was Neal, my ex-boyfriend. He set me up and broke my heart, and I hate his guts. He's been bothering me a little today, and I'm kind of scared of him. Oh yeah he's Mr. Gold's son too," Dad pondered on what I said for a minute before responding,

"If he bothers you again I'll throw his ass in a cell, and I'm sure at least five people will beat him up for you," I smiled and looked at them with a look that I think said 'if you love me let me do this'.

"Can I sleep with you guys tonight?" They laughed and hugged me.

"Of course sweetie," I smiled.

"Thanks Mom,"

"As long as Killian doesn't join us," Dad grumbled. I laughed and finished my coco. I felt safe in the arms of my loved ones, but I still couldn't get rid of that feeling that I was being watched.
Killian's POV
I was going to kick Neal's ass if he doesn't leave my Swan alone. I don't understand why he's acting like this. After football practice I talked to Coach,

"Hey Coach," he crossed his arms.

"What do you want Jones?"

"Look I know this makes no sense, but can you keep an extra eye on Emma. I've had this feeling all day that something bad is going to happen. And there's this Neal character that is kind of...shady,"

"Don't worry, I'll check on her today and make sure she's safe," I nodded and headed home. I took a shower and turned on the tv. I got a call from Will.
Phone Call
Killian:what's up?

Will:I need to ask you something

Killian: go ahead

Will:where should I take Belle for a date. I want this one to be special
I thought for a second. Isn't she a bookworm?

Killian: well the lass loves books right?

Will: yes...

Killian: than what about on top of the library

Will: brilliant
I heard the doorbell ring. It rang again.

Killian: listen mate I'm gonna have to let you go aye?

Will:okay but w-
Call Ended
The doorbell rang again. Who the bloody hell keeps ringing the doorbell.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Hold your horses," I opened the door and stumbled backwards.

"YOU!" He chuckled.

"Killian, good to see you too," I clenched my fists.

"Get the hell away from me and away from this town!" He pretended to look scared.

"Ooh or what? You'll hurt me? How can you protect anyone from me when you couldn't protect your own mother?" I punched his jaw and he fell. He got back up and spit out blood. How dare he talk about her.

"YOU BLOODY FUCKING BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU BRING HER UP!" Just then my father came running to the door,

"Killian what's with all the yel-" he stopped in his tracks and when he saw him. Father grabbed the gun an pointed it at him.

"How dare you show your face here!" He laughed again.

"Like father like son, I want revenge. You got me shunned from the whole city of London!" I scoffed. Father turned off the safety and moved closer to him,

"Do not test me boy, I will shoot," he ran away. I yelled,

So I finally got to the good part! Yay! Please comment and tell me what you think. With love,
-Bella ❤️💛💚💙💜💖

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