Chapter 8: Talk Enough Sense

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Despite the fatigue, his senses were sharp and clear. The sound of his racing heartbeat, the sensation of the light sprinkle of rain, how awfully warm his head was and how energized he felt. He could feel it all, like every inch of his body was hypersensitive. The adrenaline rushed through his veins, and he didn't feel like he hadn't slept in days. He was light and swift on his feet as he jerked his arm forward to get his hostage out of the water. He always used to think that the boots Uncle Kenny had given him were too heavy, and now it was like running on his bare feet. The water sloshed around from the sudden moment and spattered at their already wet ankles. The noises of barking dogs and shouting police men got louder and rang into his ears until it was the only thing he could hear. He wrapped his fingers tightly around Eren's wrist once more and practically dragged him.

"They're in the water!" a burly police man shouted. "Go after them!"

Levi ran towards a random direction and didn't bother to look back. He knew that they were at their tail, and he didn't know what to do. Kenny always told him that if this were to happen, he would have to keep running no matter what. Don't let them catch you or get to you. Don't let them think you're an easy catch. 

He could feel Eren tripping, and finally slowed to a stop so that he could carry him again. It was no chore for him at all; Kenny used to make carry a bunch of boxes containing unknown but heavy objects. He was used to it. 

Their wet skin pressed against each other, making Levi shiver from the sudden electrifying sensation run up his arms. When he threw him over his shoulder once more, Eren pounded at his back weakly. He was shaking, and he wasn't sure if it was from the cold or from fatigue, perhaps even both.

He ran up a small hill and spotted rays of flashlights on the ground, aggressively shaking and bouncing around. His right arm felt numb and sore, but he knew he would make it out without getting caught. He always did, and that's how Kenny taught him to survive; use people to your advantage, and run away when something bad happens. Levi gradually felt his energy drain away, like he was bleeding out. A small puddle flooded into his boots, making it more difficult for him to move. This moment brought him back to the time he participated in cross country races back in elementary school; he was sweating and his muscles were begging him to stop, but he persevered.

Levi, like always, had no idea where he was going. He soon reached an empty road with a railroad track, and a train was blocking his way. He thought he was doomed, but quickly had a brilliant but risky idea.

He was going to jump into the train. He had no other option. The train was boisterous; its noises of ringing bells and irritating honking were louder than his thoughts. He had to think quickly now that he was getting closer and closer to it, and with the police right at his heels.

"Eren, when I let you down you need to run beside me. Got it?" he shouted loud enough for him to hear.

"I understand."

There were many openings on the train which would make it easy for them to hop on. Levi silently counted to three before putting Eren back on his feet. He grasped his wrist before he could get away and started to run faster than before. The heels of his feet were in pain, and his throat was dry. He could only hold himself up for a few minutes, but if he didn't get on the train as soon as possible, he was sure he would collapse. He was close enough to hold onto side of a bar, and pulled himself up along with Eren. Eren was heavy. but they eventually rolled inside safely. The metal was cool to the touch, and the area they were in smelled like wet paint and cigarettes. Levi panted hard as he regained his breath. He could feel the water from his clothes begin to drip onto the floor, and he could hear Eren's steady breathing as well.

Levi sat up slowly and winced. He patted his waist to check for his favourite trusty pistol, but was a little disappointed when he discovered it was no longer there. To his relief and sweet surprise, he found a Walther P99 in his pocket. It was one of Kenny's favourite guns, and he had given it to him as a present. He removed the barrel and emptied it from any water that might have entered. It wasn't too wet, so he figured it would work just fine. Just when he was about to put it back, Eren looked over at him and pointed at the space behind him.

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