Afterwards II

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Soon after the two of them came, they immediately snapped out of their lust filled states and started changing back into clothes after washing up quickly. Eren sprayed a little cologne on the both of them, making sure the scent of sex was no longer present, and Levi helped Eren with his tie. The two of them were silent and only communicated through cheeky grins and laughs when Levi eyed Eren up and down once he finished changing. He smacked Eren's ass playfully and kneaded it in one hand as he grabbed Eren's chin and placed a quick kiss on his bruised lips, and then they were out of the house.

"I'll drive," Levi volunteered.

"Huh? Are you sure? I thought I was going to drive," Eren said.

"It's fine. Besides, the passenger's seat is slightly comfier and you need it, especially after what I did to you," Levi said with a monotone voice, but winked. Eren swallowed and coughed when he understood what he meant.

"We're going to be almost forty minutes late," Eren whined as he slid into his seat.

"For the record, you wanted to continue after I sucked-"

"Okay, yes. I get it. You have no filter, do you? I hope you intend to think before you speak during this interview, Levi," Eren said with a laugh and softly hit Levi on his thigh before placing his hand on it.

"I'll be on my best behavior," Levi promised.

Eren sighed. "Thank you. I wouldn't be doing this without you."

"Well, I am the reason we even got into that whole kidnapping mess in the first place."

"That's not what I meant," Eren said as Levi started the engine and drove out of the driveway. "You had every reason to leave me, but you didn't. You're here with me, supporting me, loving me with your entire being."

"You have me wrapped around your little finger," Levi said with a small grin.

The two of them basked in sweet silence for the rest of the ride, only speaking when Levi needed directions, but they didn't need to say anything. Being in one another's presence was a treat and although they've been together for quite some time, they still appreciated it. Eren had his hand on Levi's thigh the entire ride, which reminded the older man of the day he first made love to him; Eren had teased him until Levi couldn't contain himself anymore and just took him in the backseat.

As if reading his mind, Eren spoke again. "Remember that day? When I dragged you into an alleyway and kissed you?"

"How could I forget?" Levi sighed with a faint smirk.

"That was the day I decided whether or not I would let you go. You see, I had my doubts, so I wanted to sort of test you. If you hadn't kissed me back that day, I would have left without another word and stopped trying to attract your attention. So when you kissed me back after saying I should kiss you after I told you I wanted to kiss you, I was over the moon," Eren explained dreamily as he crept his hand higher on Levi's thigh, making the man shift slightly. Levi released one hand from the steering wheel to pick Eren's hands up and raised it to his lips to kiss his hand. Before he could retrieve it, Eren wrapped his hand around his wrist and brought it gingerly to his mouth as well. Eren yanked Levi's sleeve down to reveal the long stretch of a scar that remained there throughout the years. It used to be a lot more noticeable and slightly red in colour, but it was slowly fading. Eren scooched closer to the edge of his seat and kissed along the scar, pausing every so often. His eyelashes brushed against his skin when Eren did this, making Levi feel embarrassed.

"I am so in love you, you know. I'm so grateful that the universe gave us a second chance, and that you still want me. Although I am a writer, I don't think I can ever properly express how I feel about you," Eren mumbled when he released his wrist from his grasp.

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