Chapter 31: Distance

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Walking around without Levi was like trying to walk without one leg; unbalanced and difficult. He was well aware that he was being irrational. Surely he was able to survive without Levi for two weeks, but he felt like he was slowly dying from the inside. The airplane ride made up for Levi's absence. Eren loved and enjoyed plane rides but not because his family always purchased first class seats, but because the feeling of exploring into new land excited him. He's been to many places in Europe such as France and Spain, but Italy was unexplored land to him. He heard the weather was going to be nice and sunny too, something different from the wet, chilly weather back home. Eren sat between Armin and Mikasa and his parents were seated in front of them. 

"Will you tell us who you moved in with?" Mikasa asked curiously three hours into their flight. It was two in the morning, but it seemed that everyone in the place was awake. 

"There is a time and place to tell certain things. Right now is not one of them," Eren answered simply. 

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Armin squeaked. Eren turned his head towards him and shot him a glare. Long ago, Eren made Armin swear not to discuss the topic of girlfriends in front of Mikasa because once she was curious, she would not shut up. "O-Or boyfriend, that works too." 

"I won't release any information until I feel that the time is right. I promise I'll tell you guys everything, just not now," Eren said and then began to whisper so that his parents wouldn't overhear him. "Especially with me and Kasa's folks here. Armin, you already know how nosy they can get, and I don't want to endure the rest of flight while having them throw millions of questions at me." 

"We've been dying to know. You never call us anymore. I wonder what kind of person he or she must be that you ignore your best friend," Armin said with a mock pout.

"They're a wonderful person, I'll tell you that," Eren said with a big smile. 

It was three in the afternoon and Levi still didn't feel any motivation to get up. The sunlight was dripping from the windowpanes and onto the floor but Levi never felt so cold. He had his legs up to his chest and he was on his side, looking at Eren's side of the bed. He lifted one hand from under the sheets to reach forward and touch where his head would be, feeling the soft wrinkles of the covers where his scent still lingered. He created little hills of fabric as he dragged his hand back and under the covers again. He was lonely. He knew he would need to get up eventually because knowing Eren, he would be upset if Levi just wasted hours moping in bed just because he wasn't there. With a loud sigh, he slowly slid himself out of bed and fell onto the floor, bottom first. He sat on the cold, wooden floor for a few minutes before getting up and heading to the bathroom where he would spend another ten looking at his reflection and thinking about how much he hated his facial expression; he had more sleep than when Eren was there with him, but he appeared as if he had just risen from the grave. 

After washing his face and brushing his teeth, almost in a rush, he went back to their shared bedroom and crashed right back into bed, the mattress molding around him as if all the time he spent in the same spot had created a dent. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table and texted Eren. 

L:  miss you already. 

Using his world clock on his phone, Levi found out that it was a little after midnight in Italy. He was surprised at how Eren replied to quickly despite the late hour from where he was. 

E: Right back at you. We just arrived at our hotel. 

After reading the message, Eren quickly sent a slightly blurry photo of their hotel room; it was a shot of the satin curtain-covered window and the mini dining area where two boxes of pizza where opened. Although the chairs and the table itself looked more expensive than all of the things Levi had stolen in the past, he wondered why they settled for just pizza, and it wasn't even the fancy, gourmet pizza swerved in silver coloured platters. Levi laughed aloud at this. 

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