Chapter 15: You

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Paranoia crept in the back of Levi's mind. Usually he had a much stronger mentality and would never submit to fear because it was what he was taught, but now he was giving in. He often looked out the window expecting for the cops to show up, guns up and flashlights pointing at the house like laser beams. He was waiting because he knew there was a big chance of it actually happening. That was his reality; waiting and running. It was a big price to pay when he was given another shot at life again, and although he was used to it he was growing tired of it. He wondered what it would be like if he ha stayed with his grouchy aunt, if he attended college or university, found a lover and started a family. He wondered what it would be like to be a normal man. Although he prefered to be alone, grabbing a beer with friends sounded nice and so did having a regular job.

Although it was a ridiculous, maybe in an alternative universe somewhere, that was what exactly happened to Levi.

He had woken up, realizing he had fallen asleep on the kitchen table, his beverage cold as a tombstone. Heavy light bled through the curtains like a warm slash of pastel yellow paint and the faint tick of a cat shaped clocked ticked away. It read three in the afternoon, meaning he was knocked out for a while. Disappointment settled in his chest as he gave himself an internal prep talk not to let his guard down in a stranger's house, especially someone who wanted him in jail. A brief aching pain rushed to his biceps as he pushed himself away from the table. For some reason, he had the strong urge to find Eren.

The chair legs squeaked against the floor as he stood up. He felt ridiculous walking around in some else's clothes but shoved the thought away as he searched for the brown haired boy.

"Levi," a voice greeted from behind, slightly startling him. "I didn't want to wake you, I hope you didn't mind."

Levi spun around to see Eren dressed in casual wear with a sloppy half-hearted grin on his face. His hair was all ruffled as if he had just towel dried it after a shower.

"It's fine. It's been a while since I've actually gotten real sleep." Levi yawned slowly.

"Yeah," was all Eren could say. After all, what was there to say? It was hard to make basic conversation with someone you barely know, or someone that so happened to be the nephew of a criminal. It made things painfully awkward for the both of them. "Sooooo."


"So what are we going to do now?" Eren asked, almost impatient. He even threw his hands up for an extra dramatic effect.

"I..." Levi trailed off and covered his face with one hand as he sighed. "I will get you home, I'm just not too sure how."

Eren looked down with a mask of disappointment on his face.

"Listen to my explanation," Levi said as he threw his hands out in mild exasperation. "I am unfamiliar with this place and we have no vehicle. Kid, I do want to bring you home but that's almost impossible right now."

"Maps exists. Google exists. We can just look it up can't we?" Eren said, his tone of voice almost sounding more like a plead than a question. "Armin has a laptop."

With a roll of his sleepy eyes, he crossed his arms and shot Eren the "you can't be serious" type of look. "I know that, but your friend hates me. Do you really think he would allow me to use his laptop? And if we searched for your house location how would we get there?"

Eren opened his mouth to let a word out but stopped when he realized that Levi was using logic against him. If they walked, they would be too tired to escape the police again. "God. This is impossible."

Levi sighed and looked at him for a while as he mentally prepared himself for what he was going to tell him next. Never in his years of outsmarting the police did he ever imagine what he was going to say. He hated himself for it.

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