Chapter 23: Meeting

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With his current situation Levi shouldn't abuse the power to go outside so often, but he had behaved so well that the head of the police had shortened his period of time arrest even smaller. He was extremely grateful, but strangely he felt like he was betraying them. It was almost eleven thirty and the park was already so close to his house so he had decided after all to go see Eren. He decided it was best to go because he was there to officially cut ties with the boy. Although his heart squeezed from hearing his confession, but he knew he would have his ass handed to him by multiple people if he were to accept said confession and hit it off with Eren. He was interested in him, yes, and he had always been feeling that way but he knew for Eren's sake it he would have to reject him properly.

His feelings toward Eren was very confusing. Sometimes when he really thought about it, he didn't know how he would define it. Clearly, he felt something for him, but deep down he would feel guilty and very shameful if he were to say he loved him. Perhaps he felt something much more than love, something so intense and passionate that it seared right through his soul...

With a sigh, he took a careful sip of his scorching hot coffee as he thought about how his day would go, and he already knew. He would end up regretting whatever decision he made yet again. Deep down he knew it was wrong for him to meet up with Eren, but this was for sure going to be their last meeting, right?


It was not going to their last meeting, and he knew this the moment Eren flashed a goofy smile at him. One of those smiles that sent his heart racing to the heavens and back down again. He slapped a hand over his chest as if to keep it from running away.

It was yet another luminescent but rainy day. The sun was a faint orb of pastel yellow in the distance behind the light brushes of pearl clouds in the swimming pool- like sky. It was a bit brisk, but nothing too bad. Tiny droplets kissed his face and bare hands, but he didn't wipe them off nor pull his hoodie over his head. It was a nice and relaxing feeling, especially with the branches of trees flailing and swaying around like drunken individuals dancing to smooth jazz.

Eren was dressed more approachable now; his hair was still slightly damp from a morning shower and he was wearing clean vans, black jeans and a thrifted looking grey pullover. A cigarette hang loosely at his mouth as he stepped forward to Levi. He seemed to be in a happy mood, and Levi was glad to see him so... bright and light, at least that's what he looked like. There's no way telling if he really was in a good mood, especially with the way he portrayed himself yesterday; he was so drained and bitter, and now he was jumpy and loud. If people could be colours, Eren be yellow. Not the bright, neon yellow that companies often used on children's accessories, but the kind of worn-out yellow. The pastel and faded looking one that resembled dried up skin coloured paint.

"Remove that stupid grin off your face immediately," Levi ordered sourly.

"Stingy, aren't we?" Eren mocked.

"Just say what you need to say so I can leave," Levi snapped.

"Oh come on." Eren spoke like a college football student trying to impress a girl. "Don't be so cold. Let's take a walk." He reached forward to grasp Levi's arm as an attempt to move him from the concrete he seemed to be glued to.

Levi side stepped him to avoid his arm. "Like hell I'll take a walk with you."

"Oh, but you will," Eren said, so sure of himself. "Is you can arrive here, you can walk with me. Parks aren't meant for walking. Only weirdos stand around doing nothing at the park."

"Whatever," Levi mumbled under his breath and gave in. He always found it hard to argue against Eren's wishes, because he was young and so he was stubborn.

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