Chapter 12: Makeshift

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It was almost three in the morning. His eyes stung and burned, but he couldn't go to sleep.

After talking a bit more to Levi, Eren decided to call it a night. Armin told him he was free to raid the fridge and so without questioning, he helped himself to some soda and leftover sushi. He was thankful Armin's father was not present in the house, because it would be awkward and shocking to find a missing boy pigging out in your kitchen. He was about to close the fridge door, but paused when his eyes landed on a few bottles of vodka. Being the nice guy he was, he took two bottles and headed straight to Levi's room after eating his meal.

Eren didn't bother knocking. He casually opened the door, knowing Levi would still be awake at such a late hour. He remembered he almost never got sleep and how he wouldn't complain. He could see the shape of Levi's body under the lumpy mess of blankets. There was a steady rise and fall of breathing, and Eren was disappointed to discover he was actually sleeping.

He was just about to leave when the mountain of blankets began to move and the struts and screws of the bed began to creak. Eren looked back at it and waited for Levi to reveal himself. His head popped out from the covers, showing his bedhead and tired eyes. He groaned tiredly as he rubbed at his face, yearning to run the sleep away.

Levi stared at Eren with confusion and waited for his sight to focus. Eren stood there awkwardly, waiting for Levi to say something.

"Levi sleeping? That's a sight I've never seen before," Eren commented instead. He made his way to the bed. The old floorboards moaned from under his feet. "I brought you a drink:"

"I'm not a fan of hangover's, but please bring it over," Levi said, accepting the drink when Eren handed it over to him.

The boy sat on the edge of the bed just beside Levi's legs. It dipped slowly from the combination of both their weight. At night, everyone was more clear. Eren could make out the tiny details of Levi's face; his long lashes of his eyes and the dark markings under them. He opened his drink with the opener Eren brought along with him and drank. Even before bringing it to his parched lips, he could already feel the alcohol burning his throat. It slid into his mouth, leaving a trail of fire that he had missed so much. He swallowed and shivered.

"Is there a reason to why you want me potentially drunk?" Levi asked, pointing a finger of accusation.

Eren out his hands up and shook his head. "You don't seem like a soda person, and talking is less awkward when drinking."

"If you must know, I'm a wine person," he answered and took another swig from the bottle. It was already half empty. "I'm tired. So say what you want before I pass out again."

He proceeded to chug the rest of it. Eren was surprised he wasn't choking or coughing yet.

"I just wanted to thank you again. You could have killed me for all I know, but you didn't. You saved me countless times. Like I said before, you're not a bad guy," Eren said quietly. Quickly too, as if he was embarrassed.

Levi gestured for another drink before speaking. "That's because I know what's cruel and what isn't. I've hurt people, but I wouldn't kill anyone. It's common sense."

"I guess I made wrong assumptions about you then," Eren stated. "I'm sorry for that."

"Don't apologize, it makes me feel bad," Levi replied as he took a long sip. "I've hurt you before. You're a stupid boy, you know that? Staying with me when I've basically tortured you before."

"Like I've said before, I guess I'm curious. I... I feel like I've met you before. Maybe long ago but I can't be too sure."

Levi stopped mid-sip and shot him a questionable stare. The drink was really getting to his head, and he was fighting the urge to let his voice slur.

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