What's the magic woordd?

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Hey! So I hope you like it so far. Bare with me? It will get better lol :) So I hope you enjoy this new chapter :D

"Are you okay?" asks Hanna. "You've been acting weird all day."

"I'm fine," I say with no confidence at all, playing with my now cold spaghetti.

"Did Trace do something to you? If he did I'll kick his a--" states Kate angrily.

"No!" I cut in, "He didn't do anything. Macy humiliated me at her locker in front of all of her friends. Things seem weird. She's changed. She's not the same anymore. She's--".

"A mini-skirt, high heel, Prada wearing bimbo?" Kate says. We laugh hysterically and agree.

"Yeah I know, she kept giving me death glares in science today." Says Kate.

"It's weird how someone can change so quickly!" I state aggravated. "Just yesterday we were watching dragon tales, eating almost all of the junk food in my cabinet."

"Who would have thought we would have ended up here?" I ask, myself mostly.

"Don't stress about it, let's just finish our lunch and relax," says Hanna, trying to comfort me.


"Oops, didn't see you there," says Macy, grinning. Tears swell up in my eyes as I see my brand new dress ruined by spaghetti and chocolate milk. Everyone was staring and laughing, as Macy reached for her phone and snapped a picture. I ran out of the doors and only make out the shouts of my best friends.

It's not that I cared that everyone was laughing. I've gone through worse. I was hurt by the fact that Macy caused my humiliation. I guess I'm still getting used to her hating me. I couldn't go back. I needed to go home. I just wanted to be alone for now. The fact that I lost my best friend is hard enough, but for her to humiliate and bully me? That is something I'm not going to tolerate.

 As I'm making my way toward the bathroom, I run into someone. I apologize, until I realize who it is. "Ughh. It's you," I groan, rolling my eyes.

"Surprised, sweetheart?" Trace says.

"Don't call me that," I yell. "What's wrong?!" he asks softly, eyeing the spaghetti all over my dress.

I start tearing up again, "N-nothing. Just a little mishap that's all." I need to leave before I start crying.

"Ughh. Don't cry," he says uncomfortably, reaching his hand out pull me back. "Let's get you home and cleaned up."

Wait a minute... is he planning something? Is this a trap? "No it's not," he says. Did I really just say that out loud? "Yes you did." Oh crap. Not again.

"Why do you of all people want to take me home?" I ask, pulling my hand away, disgusted.

"By the look of things, you were probably going home anyway, and I have an excuse not to go back to class. It's a win, win." He says.

"Typical, you're using my misery for your own benefit." I say as I roll my eyes. After a lot of complaining and arguing, I agree for him to take me home. Before we leave, I give my keys to Hanna and trust her to drive my car back home after school. That's the great thing about having a friend that lives close to you! Then, I grab my things out of my locker and tell my friends that I'm leaving early. They completely understand.

 "No. Absolutely not. I'm not getting on that thing." I stubbornly say.

"Stop being such a wimp and get on!" he urges, starting the engine to his red Cruiser.

"I'd rather die," I argue.

"I can make that happen," he argues back. I smirk. He really thinks he's intimidating. Think again.

"Listen. You're forcing me to do this. You offered to take me home. I have a power over you. My wish is your command." I yell, trying to sound confident, realizing I just made myself sound even more pathetic.

"You listen, nerd. If you don't get on you can walk your sorry ass home." He states. I've already had a rough day. I don't need this.

"Fine." I gently say, letting out a small but loud breathe.

He then starts the engine, but instead of getting on, I begin walking.

"Are you serious? Stop being dramatic and get on the bike!" He wines.

"Oh I'm sorry. Is there a problem? My sorry ass would rather walk home then ride with you." I state.

"I'm sorry, okay? Just... get on the bike!" He says.

"What's the magic woordd?" I tease, testing his patience.

"Can you PLEASE get on the bike?" he asks this time, emphasizing the word please.

"Fine. But only because I'm tired and I want to go home." I state.

"Fine with me," he says.


As we arrive home, I take off the helmet and let my long hair flow.

"Thanks for the ride, but next time, I'm driving." I say.

"Who says there will be a next time?" he questions, sarcastically.

"With Macy back, there will be," I frown.

"What happened between you guys?" he asks.

"I don't know." I say. "Thanks for the ride anyway."

"Yeah, but if you tell anyone about this, I'll deny it." He stubbornly says.

"Trust me, I wouldn't dream of it," I say as I slam the door in his face.

 I then throw my clothes in the washer and take a nice, refreshing shower. I check my phone and see a text from Hanna.

Hanna: You might want to see this.

Attached with her text, was the picture of me covered in spaghetti and chocolate milk.

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