Jenson's Finest

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Jess's POV

Mom, Dad, and I are in the hospital room. Staring at Ivory. Just... staring. I know it seems weird, but can you blame us? We didn't think we would be back in this position again. I knew I shouldn't have trusted Trace. My poor baby sister. Ivory fell so hard for him. Unfortunately, everything that falls breaks. Now look at her. Broken, in a hospital bed. I told Trace not to come because I don't want him in Ivory's life anymore. The more he's in it, the more damage is done. He's brought nothing but pain, sorrow, and suffering to this family. I can't risk Ivory getting hurt again. Especially as her older sister.

"Mom. I'm going to get some food. Want anything?" I ask, during my train of thought.

"N-no d-darling," she says, softly crying. It breaks my heart to see my mother cry. The only other time she's cried is when I went off to college. We've gone through so much. Honestly, I never thought she could handle this much. She's a champ, but it kills me to see her suffer.

"Dad?" I ask, suggesting if he wants anything.

"No, thanks Jess." Replies my father, cradling my mother. They look so weak and so vulnerable. I think they're 100% done. Who wouldn't be? To see your own daughter/sister lying there helplessly for the second time. Knowing you could have done something to prevent this from happening. It was just a matter of not being there. Which truly sucks.

I then begin to walk to the cafeteria. I dislike hospitals. The vibe, the smell, the germs. I can't take it! So it takes all that I have not to vomit as I'm walking down the empty corridors, leading to the cafeteria.

As I'm walking I see Trace sitting there, looking worried as ever, slouched on the couch.

"Trace." I say, quietly calling his name. "I'm going to the cafeteria. Why don't you tag along?" I ask feeling sorry for him. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it. He's suffering too. He then slowly jogs up to me, catching up to my pace.

"Is Ivory okay?" He asks, jumping right to the topic I was trying to avoid.

'Let's not talk about that, alright?" I say, searching for something to eat, as he does the same.

"Okay." He says disappointed. We then go up to the clerk and see this blonde bimbo, with extra sharp nails, burned hair, and way too much make up on. She's reading a magazine, not paying attention to anything around her. She then looks up and stares directly at Trace, not noticing me standing next to him. Obviously developing a crush.

"That'll be $12.98!" She says, still staring at Trace. I clear my throat and groan. She finally looks up at me.

"OH. MY. GOSH! You're Jess Jenson!" She screams. I look at her like she's arrived from another planet.

"Yes... Do I know you?" I ask.

"You're the designer that made the brand 'Jenson's Finest'! I can't believe I'm actually meeting you. I'm a huge fan. I love your clothing. A girlfriend from NY just told me about your line." She says. I judge her instantly. I slowly examine her up and down.

"Well that's... nice." I say, while grabbing my food and walking away. It was sad to think that those are the people my line was attracting.

Although, I know I should be happy! Gloria and I have been working so hard to redesign new clothes and really make this line successful. So to know that I have fans is pretty great.  But with everything that's going on, I really didn't want to think about all of the hectic work in the business world that I'll have to stay up for hours to complete. I abandoned all of my hard work, and flew here to take care of Ivory. So excuse me if I don't want to be reminded of that at the time, especially with what's going on now.  

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