Thank you... For everything.

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Heyyy. So. New Chapter! Yay! I should be updating about once a week! What do you think of the story so far? I'm kind of new at this so yeaaa. Okay! Well enjoy :)



Waking up, I move my feet around, taking in my environment. I feel something warm and heavy around me. Curious what is, I slowly open my eyes. They land on Trace. His arms were wrapped around my body, and mine the same. Quickly, I sit up trying not to panic. My mind was on overdrive. I tried to process everything. So there was a game yesterday. We went to get pizza. I got locked out. So I came to Trace's. And I slept over. Trace is now in my bed. But...I'm forgetting something? I look at the time and it's 12:45. CRAP! I was supposed to be home by 12. I rush out of the bed , waking up Trace.

"We have to go. Jess is going to freak out, and probably call the cops, or worse...tell my parents." I say.

"Okay! Chill out. You're already late so what's the point in rushing." He says, rubbing his eyes. He then gets up and makes his way downstairs.

Realizing that he is right, I calm down. I then decide to go take a shower and get dressed. My clothes are still damp so I just throw on the clothes Trace gave me. "Ivory, breakfast is ready." Trace yells.

I make my way downstairs. As I look at Trace, it finally hit me that he kept me company last night, and how we were wrapped around each other this morning. I start to feel butterflies in my stomach but quickly push the feeling away. Those feelings probably aren't being returned anyway. He has tons of girls throwing themselves at him. Why would he want me? I have a boyfriend and Trace and I are friends. And that's that. He hands me my plate of food and I'm impressed it smelled and looked amazing.

"Where did you learn to cook like this?" I ask, taking a bite out of my delicious omelet.

"Oh, well I used to help my mom cook." He says. "Every Sunday we would spend all morning cooking the best breakfast for my dad. Before they got promotions.

He doesn't want to go any further with the conversation so I drop the topic. "Well it taste great!" I say. He grins and joins me. "So about last night..." I say uncomfortably.

"Don't worry about it, it didn't mean anything, right?" He says casually.

I stop, disappointed, "Right." We finish the rest of our breakfast in a comfortable silence.

"Ready to go?" Asks Trace, after he finishes washing the dishes. I agree and we make our way to his car. As we're driving, I get a text.

Kyle: Hey, can we please hang out today?

Wow. I've been spending so much time with Trace that I haven't noticed the effort Kyle is putting in to see me. It's  not that I don't want to see Kyle or anything. It's just now that he's my boyfriend, he doesn't really feel like my best friend anymore. I think I've been trying to reorganize my life and replace Kyle with Trace. I know it's wrong, but that's how my mind works. You know?

Me: Sure! :) My place or yours?

Kyle: I'll come over. See you then!

We then arrive at my house and I see Jess waiting impatiently at the door. "Wish me luck." I say.

"Do you want me to come in with you?" He asks. "No it's okay, thanks." I reply. He gives me a reassuring look. A look that makes me feel safe. His eyes were so warm and secure, that at the moment I forgot where I was, until I hear Jess yell my name. I then make my way to the door.

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