Sloppy Seconds

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OK. So! This chapter will be in a different point of view. I think I'll switch point of views every once in a while. It just makes it a little more interesting! Well anyway! New chapter! Enjoy :)

Trace's POV

I got dressed and put on my swimsuit. I then put on some regular clothes because it would be really embarrassing to show up half naked in front of everyone. Not that Macy wouldn't mind. I can't stand Macy. She has the biggest crush on me. I wouldn't ever be able to date her because of what she's doing to Ivory. I care a lot about Ivory. Her smile, her eyes, her laugh, her personality... it's all angelic to me. I can't let Ivory get hurt. Especially with Kyle. 

 Ivory and I have gotten so close. Closer that I've ever imagined. She's like family to me, my best friend. Losing her is like losing myself. I'd be lost without her. Lately, she's been my light. I've stayed out of trouble, my grades have gone up. Due to the endless hours of tutoring. But it's working. She's great.

Ivory hasn't responded to me all day, and we're supposed to go and pick up Kate and Hanna to go to Macy's pool party. The group are all meeting us there so it should be fun. I finish getting ready, grab my keys, and head to Ivory's.  I knock on the door, and am surprised to be greeted by Mr. and Mrs. Jenson. They look at me in complete shock. Why wouldn't they? My parents are the most powerful and wealthiest in Redville. For the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucas to show up at their door, well, that's a big deal.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Jenson! Is Ivory here?" I ask.

"Hello...Trace? Yes, she's in her room. Please come in." Says Mrs. Jenson, flabbergasted. For some reason, they looked sad. Mrs. Jenson's eyes are red and puffy. It's not my place to ask what's wrong so I just  ask to go up to Ivory's room. As I near the door I knock, just in case Ivory's getting ready. "Ivory?" I yell. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I slowly open the door and peek in. I rush to her side, seeing that she's on the ground. I call her name, gently tapping her arm. No response. I then feel her pulse. She's alive.

"Someone, please help!" I yell. Mr. and Mrs. Jenson come dashing up the stairs.

"Call an ambulance," Says Mr. Jenson. Mrs. Jenson runs down the stairs and grabs the phone. I stay by Ivory's side, not letting go of her hand, as we anxiously wait for an ambulance to arrive.

 We've been waiting in the hospital for hours. The doctor said Ivory was fine, she just passed out from hyperventilation. Something was really freaking her out. I want to find out what it is, but I wait. I'll know eventually. They wanted to run some tests on Ivory after she woke up. Mr. and Mrs. Jenson allow me into her hospital room. I pull up a chair next to her and gently hold her hand. "Trace?" She gently says. I look up and find her staring at me with drowsy eyes.

"You've had quite a nap!" I say, trying to cheer up the mood. She smiles, which brings joy and happiness in me. Feeling like such a girl, I push those feelings aside, clear my throat, and deepen my voice. " I guess we're not going to that party?" I say, sarcastically.

"Oh. I forgot. You can go. I'm sure Hanna and Kate still want to go." She says. I can see that disappointed look on her face, which makes me want to stay with her even more.

"NO." I say a little too loud and fast. "I mean, no. I'll stay as long as you want." She gently squeezes my hand to assure me that she doesn't want me to leave.

"But, what about Kate and Hanna? They'll think I ditched them, and I promised them tonight." She says in such a generous and vulnerable tone. That's one of the things I love about her. She is so open-hearted and nice. She cares about her friends and family, no matter what.

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