Letting Go

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Trace's POV

As I sit there next to Ivory's grave, I don't feel depression or grief like I had felt during the past couple of days. I feel defeated. Like everything that had happened in the past year was for absolutely no reason. Like the universe had found it's ultimate way to destroy me. And it's extremely hard to believe that the love of my life is... gone.

Jess won't acknowledge me. She doesn't blame or hate me anymore, but I think my presence is a mournful memory to not only her, but her family as well. I completely understand why. It's so hard to take in everything. This girl, who had cried on my shoulder, who blushed every time I talked to her, who was too stubborn to admit her feelings for me.. is dead.

The worst part is that her death was my fault. If I hadn't slept with Emily, Ivory wouldn't have seen me exiting her house, and she would still be alive. But why did she care? She was with Kyle. Did her memory come back? Did she all of a sudden remember us? It's too late to find out, which is why my heart is full of sorrow. Sitting here by her grave doesn't make things any better, but me leaving is a sign of me letting go. I guess that's what I have to do.

I slowly linger back to my car, crying and looking back at what was supposed to be my future, my life, and my love. I start the ignition, getting a phone call. Before I head off I answer, "Hello?"

"Hey. It's Emily. I have something to tell you. It's kind of important. Are you busy?" She asks skittishly.

I sigh at the thought of her. Even her name fills me with disgust and passionate dislike. She's the one that killed Ivory. "Yeah I'm about to drive home."

"Oh. Well can we talk later?" She asks disappointingly.

"I guess." I say with a cold tone. She doesn't deserve my compassion, kindness, or care. She's selfish, seductive, and a home wrecker. Why did I so easily fall into her trap. What did she not get about Ivory and my relationship? It was a work in progress. She just messed it up and razed everything that we had worked for, including Ivory's life.

As I drive, I deeply ponder about these thoughts. I think about what the future could have been like, and what the past was like. These thoughts make the tears fall harder and faster out of my eyes. She was my light. My promise. And she's gone.


As I arrive home I find a few cars outside of my house. Pretty lavish cars, I must say. A Ferrari, Lamborghini, and a Porsche. I'm too depressed to notice the class of these cars, so I just take my time to the door. Dreading returning to the lonely mansion. A I slowly turn the key in the lock I hear familiar voices coming from the living room. A distant laugh and high, but soothing, voice. I take slow steps too shocked to believe what I could be hearing. As I turn the corner to the room I see two faces, which suck the life out of me.

"Mom... Dad...? What are you doing here?" I say, very quietly.

"Trace. We heard about poor Ivory's death. We want you to know that we are here for you." She says as she comes in to embrace me.

"Son, we are truly sorry for your loss. We know you loved her." He says says as he embraces my open side.

'We took time off of work. We just want to be here. I don't want you going through this alone." Says my mom.

"Your mother's right. You're our son and we will stand by you, no matter what." Says my dad.

"You can talk to us about anything, okay sweetheart?" She says hugging me tighter, while I take it all in.

"Okay." I repeat. They then let go of me and I head to my bedroom. As I'm about to get ready for bed, my phone rings once again. Emily.

"What do you want?" I say harshly.

"I need to tell you something Trace. It's extremely important. I'm not sure how you'll react to this." She whispers.

"Alright spill." I say, curiously.

"I... I" She stutters.

"You?" I say impatiently, figuring what a waste of time this is.

"I'm pregnant." Says Emily.

I freeze up, and stare at nowhere. My headache starting to get worse, my body getting cold. I then drop the phone. Traveling deeper and deeper in my mind.

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