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Jess's POV

I think of the wind blowing in the meadows. Ivory and I running through the grassy field chasing each other with insects we found on the ground. Tackling each other, dancing, and singing.  I think about all the fun nights we shared as a family. Playing board games and watching movies. I think of camping, and roasting marshmallows around the campfire. Which turned into a legendary food fight. I think of Ivory's perfect face wet with tears when I came to pick her up at her dance. The one where some girls had spilled kool-aid all over her beautiful dress that I designed. I think of her shocked reaction where she found blood on her bed and thought she was injured. I think of the transformation Ivory let me do to her.

And when I look at that coffin... I think of those memories dying. 

We... we don't know what to do with ourselves anymore. We're so lost that all the hatred I had for anyone who had hurt Ivory has disappeared. I can't hate Trace. He made Ivory's life worth living, and I realize that now. I can't hate mom and dad for not being there. They tried, they really did. I hate myself for not being there for her when she needed me. I was so lost in my career that I avoided all signs of Ivory's desperation.

Everyone is entering the funeral home, and I'm waiting for everyone to be seated and for the service to begin. I spot all of Ivory's friends. Kim and a group which consists of 3 boys and girls, Hanna, Kate, Kyle, and even Macy. A lot of other kids from her school, and all of our relatives. But I don't spot Trace. It's hard not to blame him for all of this, but I don't. Him not showing up proves his disloyal character. Everyone is seated, looking terrible as ever. The funeral director says a few words, describing Ivory's adoring character, while I wait for my queue.

"Now Jessica Jenson has a few words to share with you all." He announces.

I slowly linger up the platform. "Hey...everyone. I know this is hard for you all. I wish I could say that Ivory lived a great life and it was her time, but it wasn't. She was so pure and innocent. All she had did was love. She just wanted everyone to be happy. Ivory had... still has, a fantastic heart. Larger than anyone I know. It's hard to think that she's gone."

I continue, "I just, I remember us being so close. We were inseparable. True love. That bond was a connection that will never be destroyed. She was so easy to get along with.. so forgiving of a person's mistakes. She knew when I needed help, or a shoulder to cry on... a debt I'll never be able to repay."

Just then Trace comes in. He looked horrid. Like he had been crying and hadn't slept for days. But who could blame him?

I then continue, "When were kids... we used to have these great ideas about being successful and helping each other out as adults... about being the best we can be, and generous with what we had. It was us against the world." I look at the coffin, caressing it with my hand. "But I will get there Ivory. I will be successful and generous. I will make a difference. I will be the best I can be. For you, love. It's just me against the world now." I start to cry. "But I know you're somewhere watching over me."

I continue, "I know she would be happy that you all showed up for her. And I know she's loved all of you regardless of any conditions. I pay my gratitude to those who mourn her death. But... maybe it was her time. She had suffered so much." I look at the coffin and smile. "Ivory was an angel and she finally gets to be. Rest in peace, Ivory. We will always love you. You will always be in my heart and my mind. You are my smile.., my conscience... and my life. Sisters forever." At this point I was too teary eyed to stay on the platform.

Everyone had started crying. Everyone. Mom looked as if she was about to pass out, from crying so hard. Dad couldn't do anything because... he was in the same condition. Ivory was loved by many, and I see that now. It was now time for everyone to pay their condolences to Ivory's coffin.

Kim and a group had a bouquet of flowers. "I am so sorry Ivory. For not defending you or really being there for you. We will always remember you and you will stay in our hearts forever." They then put the flowers on the coffin. One of the boys of the group then whispered sorrowfully, "See you later, Jensonator." With tears consistently starting to spill.

Hanna and Kate both came up and put a very articulate frame, of a collage, of the memories they had shared. It contained a card with some sort of sentimental note, but it's none of my business to read it. "Ivory... we want you to know that we never stopped caring about you. It was the 3 of us... you know. We let our envy get the best of us. True friends wouldn't have done that. We are so sorry. Maybe if we had been there... you would still be with us. We  will always love you. You will be in our hearts and always our best friend." 

Kyle had a rose and a ring that said Ivory on it. I'm guessing it was a promise ring. "Ivory. I wanted to make this ring real one day. I wanted to make you my bride. For you to finally feel happy and secure. But I realized I wasn't the one who could make you feel that way. And I understand that. No matter how hard we tried, some friends were meant to stay friends. You were my love, my best friend, and my other half. I put you through so much pain. All you needed was some space and I refused to give that to you. Ivory I've known you forever, and I am truly sorry. You are my heart, my smile, my laugh, and my love. I will never forget you. You were and still are the most important person in my life." He then started crying and I gently laid my hand on his shoulder. To which he rose and walked back his seat.

Macy then came up, and put one small picture and a flower. The picture was of them as little kids. "You were such an amazing person, and I saw that. I was jealous. I know I neglected you and put you through so much, and I am so sorry. Ivory you're my best friend... my sister. I shouldn't have treated my sister so horribly and I truly regret that. I'm going to change. I will be a different person in memory of you. You've probably heard this a lot, but I will truly never forget you. You're my sister, Iv, and I love you and always will." She began to cry while walking away. "By the way Iv... I visited you in the hospital almost every single night while you were in a coma... I still cared about you."

And last, Trace. He only had one thing... a diamond heart shaped necklace. He gently put it on the coffin, tears spilling out of his eyes. "Forever." He whispered. He broke down on his knees. Sharing a moment with Ivory. I got him up, and seeing his red, puffy eyes wet, I gave him a very large, heartfelt hug. The thing was... I understood him. Trace did love Ivory... no doubt about that. So if anyone... he's hurting almost as much as my family... maybe even worse. Ivory's death had the largest impact on him because regardless of the situation they were in, he had been with her through everything. That's an admirable characteristic. Something my family lacks.

After a few words from our family members and friends, we left the service. We then went to properly bury her. Seeing her being lowered into the ground was most painful. To know I will never see her lovely face again. Mom fell to her knees and started begging for Ivory to come back. "My baabyy. That's my baby girl." She cried. It was truly heartbreaking. Trace was crying quite horribly too, but no one was there for him. Where were his parents?

Everyone had left and I stayed a few minutes to stay with Ivory. "Ivory. I just want you to know that I love you. And... thank you for always being there... and putting up with me." I laugh. "It's me against the world now, but I know you're still here." I then got up and placed some fresh pink tulips on her grave. Running back to our car, I spotted Trace still there, still sitting with Ivory's grave. Poor boy. His pain... I can see it. I can even feel it. Instead of interrupting him, I let him have his time with her. He needs closure, and that's exactly was he's trying to get.

A/N- It's been awhile I know. Busy, busy! But new chapter is shocking isn't it :( I almost started crying myself. Well I hoped you somewhat liked this new chapter. Somewhat because of all the emotions you must be feeling. Toward the book... maybe even me ! :/ Anyway ! A few more chapter coming up! Enjoy !

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