Dancing Like Idiots

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The whole week I went missing in action, trying to avoid the chances of running into Macy. I know I shouldn’t have been this scared, but I was. No one knew how I was feeling. I had just lost my best friend. Now she’s trying to make my life miserable. She knew all my secrets. Secrets she could use against me. That’s why I was scared. She knew I couldn't swim. And she used that to her advantage.

When I arrived home from school, I eagerly grabbed a tangerine and headed for my room. I didn’t have any plans. Nor did I dare to make any. My friends were going to a party, but I told them I’d just stay home because I had a ton of homework to do.  They felt bad and were going to stay over, but  I told them to go have fun and enjoy their selves. Why should I ruin their fun because of my problems? 

I then heard a tap on my window. Curious, I went to see what it was. I didn’t see anyone so I went back. Then I heard another tap, then another, then another… I went to go open the window, clearly annoyed.

“Hello? Is anyone there?”I whisper, aggravated.

“Down here!” Someone whispers back. I look at him in shock.

“What do you want?” I ask. “I’m coming up!” Just then, Trace starts climbing up my house to my window.

I block his path, not allowing him through my window. "What do you think you're doing?!" I ask.

"Would you just let me in?" He asks annoyed. I step to the right and allow him to enter.

As he enters my room, I ask, “Why are you here?”

“Well I was on my way to this party, and saw that you were home. By the way why are you home? Shouldn’t you be with your friends?” he asks.

“I told them to go without me. I have homework to do.” I say, as I collapse on my bed and set a binder beside me.

“No way... you let Macy get to you!? Ivory, hiding is just going to make things worse.”

“Why do you care, Trace? Yes, she got to me. This is how I relax. I hide and ignore it. Can you just leave? The fact that you’re here in my room creeps the hell out of me, and is just really irritating.” I rant.

“Actually, I was just about to leave, and you’re coming with me.”  He says with determination written all over his face.

“Um. I’m not going anywhere with you.” I say.

“Oh yes you are. I saved your life in that lake. Now you owe me, and I say you come to the party.” He remarks.

“I didn’t ask you to do that.” I argue. “But I did.” He argues back.

“I’m not going to a party, Macy will be there. She’ll be mad that I showed up with you!” I say.

“Who cares about Macy!? You need to stop being scared and stand up for yourself. It’s Friday night, and you have no plans. You’re going to that party. I’m not leaving until you agree!” He says.

Anger takes a hold of me. Who does he think he is? He can’t just come into my room and tell me what to do. “You’ve been blackmailing me a lot lately.” I state.

“It’s what I do best. Now go get ready. I'm already 1 hour late.” He says.

“Screw you. Fine.” I say, defeated.

After I’m done taking a shower, I head to pick out my outfit. Not caring how I look, I pick out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. I then throw my hair into a  messy ponytail. As I put my sneakers on, I call for Trace and tell him that it’s fine to come back in. As he comes in, he stops, looking disappointed.

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