Don't Screw with the Bad Boy

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*This is an intense chapter.  Slightly profound language is used.*

Trace's POV

I stand there enraged. My hands balled in fists, and my mind lost in deep thought. How could I let this happen? It all just crashed and burned. I'm starting to regret bailing that bastard Kyle out of jail. He couldn't wait could he? Ivory was so vulnerable, so weak, and he took advantage of her. Persuading her to give him another chance. I couldn't do anything about it.

Honestly, it was hard. I couldn't deny her request, and I forced myself to accept it. Can you imagine letting the one you love go? To have them not remember all of the memories you shared. It's like being ignored permanently. It sucks.

I thought I could just find a new friend to keep me occupied. I thought I could just get along with Emily and wait it all out. But it seems that too has taken a turn for the worse. I screwed up. I shouldn't have even given her the time of day. By befriending her, I was pushing Ivory away. I think Ivory noticed before I could. Now I'm too attached to Emily to let her go. She's been there for me since this all started.

Jealousy finally over ruled, and I broke.


I start to pace back and forth in the parking lot of the ice-cream parlor. Everyone is inside waiting for me to come back in. I start to ponder about what Ivory said.

"Just tell Emily that I like her necklace." I repeat it over and over in my mind. What does that even mean? I then slowly walk back in, due to the football gear I am still carrying around.

"What did she say?" Asks Kim, worriedly.

"You screamed at her, and made her feel guilty about herself. And you want to know what she said?" I say. "Just.... leave it alone for now." I say defeated. I was done tonight.

"Why are you so mad? Ivory needed to hear this. We're her friends." Says Emily, which instantly pisses me off.

"Friends? Emily. You barely know her. She sure as hell doesn't know you. Friends wouldn't do that kind of shit to each other. Regardless of the situation." I say, trying not to be mean to Emily, because she really hasn't done anything wrong.

"Bro. We're sorry. We were upset." Says Jake.

"Upset? No you're selfish. I get that you don't like the way Ivory's treating you, but you don't have to be such a bitch about it." I then give a slight cold laugh. "I've dealt with a lot of your shit. But I'm done dealing with this." I say. "Ivory's the only girl I've ever loved, and you pushed her away, because you were 'upset'." I then begin to walk out. "I'm done."

As I leave, I hear footprints running after me. "TRACE! Wait!" Yells Emily. I roll my eyes in annoyance.

"What?" I say softly.

"You're not mad at me are you?" She asks, coming to a slight stop from jogging after me. I just stay silent. What doesn't she get about I'm done? I then remember what Ivory said, and look down to Emily's necklace. It's mysteriously hidden under her shirt. I carelessly lift it out and examine it. I stare at it in disbelief. It's the necklace I gave Ivory for Valentine's Day. She then tries to shift away, but I keep a tight grip. Risen from anger.

"Where did you get this from?" I ask softly. She doesn't answer.

"DAMN IT EMILY. WHERE DID YOU GET THIS FROM?!?!" I ask louder, with a more strict tone. The group all start to come out to witness this altercation. I hated getting mad at Emily. But what the hell. She crossed the line.

She winces at the anger risen in my voice, and I replace my frustration with a cold, read less look in my eyes. "Your locker." She says. "It's not like Ivory was using it, so I didn't think it would be a big deal." She says.

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