The Lake

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I didn’t know what to do. What to say. What to even think! I was so confused. Did Macy have it in for me? What did I do to her that was so horrible? I loved her like a sister. My family treated her like their daughter. So what’s her problem? Hanna had told me that almost everyone in school had gotten the picture. I just wanted this year to be different... better. But it's only gotten worse. Hanna and Kate asked if it was alright to come over, but I told them I needed some space. I didn’t know what to do, so I slept. I slept all of my problems off.

 I had then woken up from the ringing of my doorbell. Cursing the person who had woken me up from my slumber, I drag myself downstairs, almost tripping over each step, and cautiously open the door. It couldn’t be Hanna or Kate, because I told them to not come over. They know I need some space. So who could it be? I set my arm aside, ready to grab the closest weapon next to me. As I open the door, I’m thrilled to see who it is. I drop the lamp in excitement.

“Kyle!” I yell as I throw myself on him. I tightly embrace him, thankful that he is here. Just the fact that he's around I feel so... safe and protected. Like everything's going to be okay. Kyle is one of my closest friends. I met him in freshman year. He's always been there for me and has never hesitated to choose my side. He has dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. He’s tall and ridiculously athletic. The school's baseball star! The first day I met him, I was stunned. When we got to talking, I realized that he could be no more to me than a friend. Ever since then we’ve been best friends. We've gotten so close, that I'm actually afraid of losing him. I don't know what I would do without him! Even Hanna and Kate grew to like him. They don't really associate much, but they like him! He's just that great.

 Kyle had been in Australia all summer. Everyone really missed him. He had just come back today, but stayed in the office to do some  orientation paperwork. Fortunately, he had missed the lunch incident.

“Hey there, bud. I’ve missed you!” He says, giving me the tightest, most suffocating hug on the planet.

“I've missed you too! How was Australia?” I ask.

“Not as great as you think. The spiders there are huge.” He says. I laugh thinking of how humorously afraid he is of spiders. “Why did you leave school so early?” He asks suspiciously.

“Macy spilled spaghetti and chocolate milk all over me, and Trace offered me a ride home.” I say.

“Macy? Our Macy? Macy Riner? Why did she do that?" He asks. I can see why he would be surprised. We were all pretty close.

"Yea. Our Macy. Didn't you hear? She hates me now. I'm not really sure why, but she does." I say.

"Oh. I'm sorry bud. That's so weird. When did you and Trace get so close?” He asks.

“Yea it's whatever. And we didn’t, he just wanted to get out of class.” I say.

“Oh, same old Trace.” He laughs, shaking his head.

 As he comes inside, I ask him if he would like anything to eat. My parents are out at a dinner party with a few of our neighbors so they left money for me to order. They’re always involved in the community. They want to maintain a perfect image so they make it a priority to show off in some sort of way. Don’t get me wrong, I love my parents. It’s just hard to keep up with their perfect image.

After an hour of catching up, we get our Chinese and decide to watch Inception, my favorite movie.

 We sit on the couch, me eating my food laying on his lap, and him playing with my hair. “I'm bored." He complains."Let’s do something,” he insists.

“Like what?” I ask, continuing to chew on my delicious sesame chicken.

“We can go to the park! I saw Hanna and Kate, and a few others there on my way here.” Thinking about the picture being sent around to everyone has me hesitant. But I can’t let Macy think she’s gotten to me, so I agree to go, after I finish my food of course.


As we arrive at the park, we see Hanna and Kate on the swings. Along with a bunch of other people scattered around in groups talking and working on homework. When we get out of the car Hanna and Kate both sprint up to us, screaming Kyle’s name. Showering him with hugs. They then notice me and ask if I’m okay. To avoid the topic, I tell them I’m fine and start to slowly linger away. The park is the main place people come to hang out and do homework. So when I see Macy there. it’s no surprise. She’s clinging on to Trace, like it will save her life, and he looks really uncomfortable. She obviously likes him, but he doesn’t like her back. Trace had a "thing" with Jessica Ontel. She’s the most beautiful girl in our school and head cheerleader. Probably one of the easiest girls in our school also. But rumor has it, he ended it because Trace only messed around with her to make some girl jealous. No one ever knew who. His eyes lighten up as he sees me, but lose every single emotion that might have been there when his eyes land on Kyle. “Ivory, I see you got that stain off.” He says, moving away from Macy, slightly jogging over.

“What happened to being in denial?” I ask, harshly crossing my arms.

“Well, people change sweetheart.” He rudely remarks.

“Don’t call me that.” I state.

“Does it bother you sweetheart?” He teases.

“She said not to call her that,” said Kyle.

“Dude, I was kidding. Take a joke.” Says Trace.

“Why are you talking to me? You hate me! So go back to your "girlfriend", and leave me alone.” I say, putting air quotes around the world girlfriend.

Hurt flashes through his eyes and he walks away. I then decide to cool off by the bench near the lake. I go there to think about everything and just relax.

“Hey,” says an unfamiliar voice. I turn around and see one of the jocks, Mason. Surprised, I say hi back. He really likes Macy, he follows her around like a puppy dog, and she has him wrapped around her little finger.

“I’m so sorry.” He says. He then picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.

“PUT ME DOWN!” I scream, as I vigorously hit Mason's back for some sort of reaction. It was useless. He was horrifyingly large and bulky. I bet he couldn't even feel my weak, shameful punches. Just then he violently throws me into the icy cold water of the lake. I couldn’t move, I was terrified as I heard Trace yelling at me to come back up. What they didn’t know was that… I can’t swim.

 I struggle to get to the top, but face the reality of not. So I give up. As I’m sinking…my eyelids close and I start to see black. I can feel myself giving up, drifting off to nowhere. Just when I’m about to give up, I feel strong arms wrap around me and bring me back up to the surface. I was weak and tired. Hanna, Kate, and Kyle all watch as Trace dives in and saves me. I was coughing out large amounts of water, completely exhausted. Holding onto him as life support.

“Are you okay?” Trace asks, examining me from head to toe to see if I was hurt. He then puts his sweater around me, seeing that I'm shivering.

“I-I'm fine." I say tightly gripping the sweater.

 “Who threw you in the lake?” asks Kyle, furiously. 

“M-Mason,” I say shivering.

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know what I was thinking. Macy told me to do it and I… I’m sorry.” Pleads Mason.

Kyle then walks up to Macy and says, “You could have killed her. She could have drowned if it weren’t for… Trace.” He says his name with bitter distaste.

“Is this a joke to you?” yells Hanna, “she didn't deserve that. You went way too far.”

“Oh, please. Just be grateful she’s still alive.” Then she brushes past me and whispers in my ear, “because when I’m done with you, you’re going to wish you weren’t.”

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