A Long Day Ahead of Us

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Okay! Hi guys. So the past few chapters have been a little all over the place. Bare with me! I made this chapter a little more interesting! So I hope you like it!


As I wake up, I don't feel the hurt and confusion I've been feeling for the past week. More relief that confusion. But that doesn't compare to the hunger I'm feeling right at this moment.

Getting out of my bed, I go downstairs, and am surprised to see my parents and my older sister Jess eating breakfast on the kitchen table. Why am I surprised? Jess is in college and barely ever comes to visit. She wants to be a fashion designer, which unfortunately takes up most of her time. Unlike me, Jess is one to turn heads.  Her body perfectly tone. Her blonde hair more of a caramel color, and her skin much tanner than mine. Her fashion sense is amazing. She's just all around gorgeous. She's been begging to give me a complete makeover. I wouldn't mind, but when is she ever going to be here to do it?

But why are my parents home? They're usually busy with work, or with the community.

"Ivory, darling." Says my mom. "Your father and I took a couple days off of work for our anniversary. We're going to Jamaica!" She says as I'm devouring my food.

"The sun. The beach. The crystal blue water. The rare million dollar fundraiser that only the best of the best attend." Says my father.

 I don't even bother to look up. I told you. They're never home. That's why I'm not surprised. But what does surprise me is when he says, "Jess will be here to take care of you while we're gone."

"Great!" I smile!

"Don't get into any trouble, we left some money for groceries." Says my father, in a strict but caring tone.

"Okay well the driver's waiting outside, so we love you and we'll try to keep in contact." Says my mom, showering us with kisses. "Bye guys, love you," say both of my parents. With that, they're out the door leaving me with my sister.


To say that my sister was disgusted with my appearance was an understatement.

"So, when did you start dressing like... that?" She asks me, looking at me up and down.

"A while ago," I reply.

"It's your senior year, don't you want to mix it up a bit?" She asks with a mischievous look on her face.

"I don't really care. But seeing as you do, what do you have planned?" I ask.

"I'm taking you out. You need a makeover asap." She says enthusiastically.

"You've been waiting for this moment for a very long time, haven't you?' I say, already knowing her answer.

"Yes. Now go get ready." She orders.

What's up with me letting people boss me around lately? 

"What do you want to do with your hair?" The hair dresser asks, concentrating on every strand of hair on my head. Her name tag says Krista. She's somewhat pretty with brown hair tied up into an elegant bun. She looks like she is in her 30/40s.  

"Let's start with dying her hair. Give it a more golden blonde look. Her hair is too long so let's cut a few inches off. Maybe 3 or 4? What do you think?" Jess asks the hair  dresser.

"Definitely 4, and maybe layers?" Krista suggests.

"Yes. That's perfect." She says, clapping her hands excitedly.

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