The News

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Hi! So new chapter! Hope you like :)


The past 2 weeks had been a crazy combination of what seems like school spirit or unicorn vomit. I hadn't seen Kyle very much. He said he had a lot of baseball practice, and he needed to work on his swing. I understood. He is very focused on scholarships for college and his parents push him hard to be the best in baseball. Although, Trace is QB of the football team, with scholarships practically lined up at his door, and he still makes time for me. Trace and I have been around each other constantly. We go out every Friday night with the group, and he comes over to hang out a lot of the time. It's so weird how much he's changed. He's my... protector? I feel safe around him, and he's always there for me. I think it's safe to say that my enemy, is now my best friend. 

I've been feeling different around Trace and Kyle. Ever since I had that moment with Trace, I can't stop thinking about him. I smile at the thought of his name, and I glow when he's around. He makes butterflies swarm in my stomach. When we argue, I find joy in our pointless bickering. It takes me a while to get back to the real world, and shove all of those feelings aside. To realize that, I have a boyfriend. Kyle, well, is totally the opposite. Aside from the time of our magical date. I don't feel anything around him. I become shy and silent. I have to watch what I say or do. I can't be myself around him anymore. He's changing. He doesn't even talk to Hanna or Kate anymore! Instead, he hangs out with the jocks, who hang out with Macy and her minions. This relationship was a mistake. I was supposed to say no. We aren't supposed to be together. I miss my best friend. The one who always had time for me, who I could be myself around. Every time Trace is near us, he tries twice as hard to be in the relationship. I become distant, because he isn't doing that for me, but himself. This isn't the same Kyle that I knew.

When I think of these thoughts, I start to think deeper in my life. When I think of how things are now between Trace, Kyle, and I. I can't help but feel angry and confused. Things were not supposed to turn out this way. I don't know if I like Trace. Right now, I'm a secret emotional wreck.

On top of that, Jess is leaving today, and mom and dad are on a flight arriving home. They got a business call from work and had to take an earlier flight. Every time Jess leaves, I become depressed. It was nice having someone around who cared about me, and loved me. Sure, my parents loved me, but Jess is different. She means the world to me because she's always there for me when I need her. Whether it's here, a  phone call, or video chat away. She's here.


It's Saturday morning, and I plan on relaxing. I'm too sick to do anything. I've been busy so much, I haven't found time to have a peaceful, calm moment with myself. I slowly make my way downstairs, excited to see what Jess has prepared for breakfast today. Instead of the chocolate pancakes I was waiting for, I see Jess packing her bags, ready to leave. I frown, "Oh right. You're leaving today."

She rushes over and gives me a large hug, and a look of sympathy. "It's not the end of the world, you'll survive." She says.

"Not with this cold, I won't," I state matter of factly. She glares at me and calls me a "drama queen". I laugh and try to help her put her things in the car, which she refuses.

"No, go inside and get some medicine. You can't be exposing yourself to all the bacteria. It's gross." She says. Jess is a germaphobe. She never gets sick, and tries to prevent it. It's really annoying. She finishes packing, and is on her way back to college.

All day I had done nothing. I had just relaxed on my bed, and felt like a sick noodle. Mom and Dad made it home, but they were too busy unpacking and organizing their schedules for work to acknowledge my existence. I had been getting texts all day from Trace, but none from Kyle. Feeling too sick for my own good, I trudge my way downstairs and yell to my parents in a very harsh and coarse voice.

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