Sick Day: Tony Stark X Reader

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The screaming of your alarm clock made your head feel like it was going to explode. Attempting to shut the cursed thing off without looking was proving to be a tough job. Feeling for the cord you knocked your phone off the stand and below the bed. You yanked the cord viciously from the wall and welcomed the silence as you felt yourself drift back into darkness.

You didn't know how much time had passed but at some point you shuffled to your window and yanked the black-out curtains closed before burying yourself back under the mound of blankets. You squeezed your eyes shut once more as another wave of nausea came over you. Groaning you pulled the blankets over your head and curled into a tight ball. You had just started to drift off for the umpteenth time when you heard a bang come from downstairs followed by someone shouting your name. You tried to reply but couldn't find your voice and ended up in a fit of coughing and it wasn't long before your door burst open to reveal a worried Tony.

He took in the sight of the mound of blankets that shook with each cough that sounded. That's when he realized that two (e/c) orbs stared back at him once the coughing subsided. "What happened? You made me think the worse when you didn't answer your phone. Do you realize it's two in the afternoon?!" He exclaimed moving closer to the bed.

You mumbled around the blankets and when he pulled them back to uncover your head you frowned. "I don't want to get you sick. And sorry." You cleared your throat and winced at the pain. "My phone is under my bed and my head feels like it's going to explode." You mumbled before pulling the blankets back up to your eyes.

He chuckled softly as he knelt beside the bed before rummaging around for your phone that was left forgotten. "If it means that I can help you feel better then I don't mind being sick sweetheart." He put the phone on your nightstand and sat on the edge of your bed. "To be honest you look like crap." He said bluntly and moved some hair out of your face gently.

"Nice to see you too." You're voice cracked and he frowned again.

"Stay here." He stood and made the 'stay' motion with his hand like you would to a dog. "I'll be back." With that he turned and walked out of the room.

'Like I could go somewhere.' You thought. You tried to stay awake but it felt like he was gone for an eternity and at some point you drifted off yet again. This time however,  your peacefulness was disturbed by nightmares you couldn't escape from.

"Y/n." You felt something shake your shoulder. "Hey Y/n. Wake up sweetheart."

You gasped awake and ended up in a coughing fit from the sudden intake. You had broken into a cold sweat and your heart was pounding in your chest from your horrid dream.

"Whoa. Take it easy." Tony's calming voice sounded in your ears as he rubbed your back.

When you finally caught your breath you forced yourself to sit up despite the throbbing of your head. You ignored his worried gaze and spotted to steaming bowls sitting on the dresser by the door. Nodding towards them you asked, "What is that?"

He stared at you a moment longer before relaxing as he moved to retrieve them. "Soup. Steve claims it cures everything that is wrong with a person. Guess it's what his mom used to always make for him." He kinda shrugged at the last part as he handed you a bowl. "Smells pretty good but I haven't tasted it yet." He added as he moved onto the bed beside you.

"Well I can't smell anything so I hope I can taste it." You sighed as you eyed the contents. "Unless it's gross. Then I'll be glad when I can't taste it." You mused while poking at something you thought to be chicken.

Tony huffed with amusement as he started to turn on the tv and channel surf. "What was your dream about?" He asked suddenly before beginning to eat.

You frowned down at the soup. "Stuff." You mumbled and spooned some of the warm liquid into your mouth. You instantly made a mental note to thank Steve for the recipe once you felt better. It seemed to warm every inch of your body as the second spoonful slid down  your throat. It was the same feeling like when you were a kid and had been out in the snow too long, but your mom always had hot chocolate waiting for you when you came in and it always made you much warmer. Closing your eyes briefly you realized that Tony was right, the soup did smell good. You also noted that it even opened your nose.

"Same dream as before?"

Tony's voice brought you back to reality and you frowned. With a sigh you nod quietly. The dream had become an every night occurance for the past few weeks. You eyed the empty bowl in your hands and set it off to the side of the nightstand. You squirmed under the blankets until you were curled against Tony's side with your head on his chest to watch the tv. He didn't comment any more about the dream but simply moved his half full bowl to the nightstand on his side of the bed before running his fingers through your hair slowly.

"How do you feel?" He asked softly and kissed the top of your head.

"Honestly, better." A small smile crept to your lips. "But I'm always better when you're around." You heard him chuckle and you closed your eyes. You often saw a side in Tony no one else saw. Sure he could be that arrogant person who always teased everyone else, but when it was just the two of you he was always sweet and kind. Well. Almost always.

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