♤ Sehun ♤ First Sight ♡

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First Sight. ♡

Hani yawn and look at all over the cafe. The cafe is her family's property and she has been helping her mother and others while she is still on the vacation.

Well, she is on her holiday. Study week in university. The cafe always get into a pack situation and make her mom and other workers not even get a rest. So, she's willingly to help them.

"Look, there's one regular customer who is really really love chocolate bubble tea. When he says 'regular', so it'll be Chocolate bubble tea, remember?" Her mom says to her.

"Aye eomma. But, how is he looks like?" Hani ask.

"I don't know how to describe... but he is really tall and fair skin." She says. "are you sure you can control this counter?" The mom ask.

"Of course I can. No worries~" Hani smiles.

Hani smiles to every customer and suddenly here comes one tall boy and make Hani stunned.

"Regular one please." He says.

"You're cute!" Hani impassively says.

He widen his eyes and getting blush.

"Err, miss.. I want chocolate bubble tea..." he repeat his order.

"What is your name?" It's looks like Hani is drooling over him.

"Sehun. And can I have chocolate bubble tea?" He stricter his voice.

Hani being pull by her mom and the mom take the order.

"I'm sorry, Sehun. She's new and she's my daughter." The mom sigh. "Chocolate bubble tea? Ordered. You can wait there until I ring the bell." She smiling.

"It's okay. Thankyou, auntie." Sehun walk to his table.

"What is going on with you?!" The mom yell at Hani.

"Ah mian. Don't be so angry. You should be grateful that I've fall in love~" Hani smiling like an idiot.

The mom slap her own forehead.

"Gosh what happened to my daughter." As she finished saying that, she walk away.

'Nothing happened, eomma. I just fell in love~'

Hani laugh.

~Next Day~

Hani yawn and look at her clock. She has to get ready for a business breakfast. The breakfast will be held at the cafe with someone's family. It's really irritating her.

She's hates business affair.

She just wear a simple long dress and a hairclip. She walk to the cafe alone as the cafe is not too far from her house.

"Look, Hani.. this is my friend, Mr. And Mrs. Oh." The mom introduce them to Hani.


"She is Hani? Oh God, she was 5 when I last saw her." They smile.

"Yeah. She's a big girl now."

"We're here, Hani.. we have something to be done by you." Mrs. Oh says.

"What is it?" Hani politely ask.

"Marry our son, Hani." Mr. Oh interrupted.

Hani stand in shock. She shake her head for many times and walk out from the cafe. She can't do this. She know that she already be an impolite girl but...

Marrying someone who she didn't know? What century the live in?! It's already a modern time and there's no arrange marriage anymore!

Besides.. Hani has fall in love. Love at the first sight.

"I love that Sehun and how am I supposed to marry other guy?" She ask herself.

Day by day goes on and Sehun notice something weird.

"Auntie, where's your weird daughter?" Sehun ask.

"She's at home now. Sulking." She sigh.


"She got into an arranged marriage and she said that she didn't want to.." she look at Sehun, "because she fell in love with you."

"Hah?! Seriously?" Sehun ask, shock.

"Yup. I don't know What's wrong with her."

"Can I see her?" He ask.

"Well..." she raised her eyebrows and say, "why not?"

"I need you to do something." Sehun smile.

They've been planning something considered as surprise and sweet.

Hani walk out from the house and see Sehun at the gate.

"Sehun!!" She run to the gate and Sehun smiles.

"Hani. I... err.. missed you?" Sehun shyly say.

Hani hug him tight.

"I miss you too! I thought you wouldn't even know my name." Hani sniff.

"Of course I knew it." Sehun smiles. "I love you anyway." He continue.

"You.. love me?" She ask.

Sehun nod and Hani jump happily.

"Great! Let's run!" Hani say but Sehun chuckle.

"Auntie told me everything. Let's go to the cafe and you reject the purposed nicely. Okay?" Sehun smile.

"Okay then.." she walk slowly behind him.

When they arrive the cafe, Hani can see Mr. And Mrs. Oh. They smile at her and she being pull by Sehun. Her face reddens.

"Oh son! You know her already?" Mr. Oh suddenly ask.

Hani look up. Son?

"Yes, appa."

Hani widen her eyes. Appa?

"Great! So it'll be easy!" Mrs. Oh cheers.

They're... family?

"Hani.. I want to tell you this. This is my appa and eomma. They purpose you for me because we were closed back then before you transfer to somewhere else." Sehun breath deeply.

"Meeting you back, Hani, make my life almost complete. So let me fulfill my parents' and also my wish." He knee down and look up to Hani.

"Kim Ha Ni, will you marry me?" He show a red rose.

Hani gape and tears falling down. She's nod quickly and pull Sehun to stand up. When Sehun manage to stand, she quickly hug him.

"I love you! On the first sight!" Hani smiles.

"I love you too. Since forever." Sehun laugh.

"Mr. Oh Se Hun. Why I can't notice it?" She wipe her tears.

"Because for you, there's only one Sehun that time. Bubble tea Sehun." Sehun pinch Hani's cheek and they laugh together.

Love at the first sight? Sweet and hard to get. Easy to lose and hard to forget. But it is miracles when the couple who have been in love since the first sight manage to marry each other soon. ♡

a/n: hey Hani my beloved dongsaeng, bestfriend, witch and whatsoever else lol. I told you this is not cute. you're so stubborn, realize that? *growl*

okay another update! thanks for reading even though I said this book contains so much grammar error and typo. Thanks ^^ saranghae *throws EXO (minus Baekhyun)*

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