♪ D.O ♪ Marry You ♡

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Since I have the moods to write and update, so I just update.

Dedicated to Emysha95


Emysha's P.O.V

Everyone's dating. Dating with their boyfriends. How lucky they are. Having a boyfriend that make them all of his things. Awh sad that I have a boyfriend who is currently make everyone fall in love. But lucky that I got all of his attention.

I walk to my apartment and suddenly, something fall from the door. A card. I bet it was from Kyungsoo. I take it and read it. A smile slowly form and I shake my head. I enter my apartment and quickly change into a dress.

Meet you at the usual place. We gonna have a special dinner ♡

-Your Kyungsoo-

My Kyungsoo? Hahaha so cute of him. I wear the dress that he bought for me few days ago. Too many skins... Is it okay? Will Kyungsoo be okay with this?  I wear a simple high heels and walk out from the apartment. Quickly walk to the place that Kyungsoo and I used to hanging out or even more specific, dating.

Everyone's eyes are on me. Or did I just got myself too over? Err I hope this dress doesn't make me looks over. I open the door and it's so quite. A waiter approaches me and lead me to a reserved table. Suddenly, people coming out from nowhere and sit at their places.

The spotlight focus on the stage. It is a place where the customer can enjoy any show that being held at the cafe. I widen my eyes and look at him. Kyungsoo. 

Wait.. Isn't this supposed to be a special dinner? Why is he there and wait is that Baekhyun? Why is he there at the piano? What are they planning? I'm getting nervous here, Kyungsoo.

"This song for my beloved ones, Emysha."

Kyungsoo wink at me and Baekhyun start to play his piano. What's happening?

~It's a beautiful night,

We're looking for something dumb to do,

Hey baby, I think I wanna marry you~

I widen my eyes. Marry me? Seriously?

~Is it the look in your eyes?

Or is it the dancing juice?

Who cares baby?

I think I wanna marry you

Well I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go uh oh,

No one will no uh oh,

Come girl,

Who cares if we trashed got a pocket full of cash,

We can blow uh oh,

Shot patron, and it's on girl,

Don't say no no no no no,

Just say yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah,

And we'll go go go go go,

If you ready, like I'm ready,

Cuz it's a beautiful night,

We're looking for something dumb to do,

Oh baby I think I wanna marry you,

Is it the look in your eyes?

Or is it the dancing juice?

Who cares baby?

I think I wanna marry you~

Just say I do~

Tell me right now baby,

Tell me right now baby baby,

Just say I do~

Tell me right now baby,

Tell me right baby baby~

Oh it's a beautiful night,

we're looking for something dumb to do,

Hey baby I think I wanna marry you.

Is it the look in your eyes?

Or is it the dancing juice?

Who cares baby?

I think I wanna marry you~

He walks to me and Baekhyun still playing his piano. He kneel and shows me a red small box. He open it and I can see a ring. He smiles and take a deep breath.

"Will you marry me?"

My heart melts. Melt when I look at him, sincerely saying those 4 meaningful words. I couldn't help to kneel too and hug him. He laugh and hug me back.

"I'll take that as a yes?"

"It's a yes, paboya~"

I cry in happiness. He break the hug and wipe away the tears. He kiss my forehead. And he wears me the ring. I smile and hug him as soon as he done. He laugh and everyone cheering for us.

Baekhyun finally stop playing the piano and join the others to cheer for us. I love you, Do Kyungsoo ♡


A/n : hey Emysha, is it okay? Hehehe, I'm sorry if it's not okay T.T hope you enjoy it~

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