Chapter 1

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Mitch's Pov

Scott and I were walking back on the cold pavement to the car after our usual date night. He had just told me a funny story from his childhood about how he cried for about 3 hours after seeing a clown on tv, making me giggle uncontrollably like everything Scott says does. As I finally started to calm down, I heard a faint voice. I stopped and tried to focus more.

"Scott, did you hear that?"

"What honey?" He responded

"That noise. It sounded like someone asking for help?!"

“Seriously?” He asked.

I nodded my head quickly. Scott was then immediately quiet and we both listened for any other sound. Then a quiet voice whispered help, but I didn't know where it was coming from and neither did Scott.

"Okay that time I heard it", Scott said with a hint of worry to his voice.

The noise came back again, but slightly louder. I traced a few steps back, Scott giving me a weird look as I did so.

"Babe what are you doin-"

"Ssshhh" I said, cutting him off

I then came across a dimly lit alley way, Scott following quietly afterwards.

“You think it came from down there”, Scott questioned.

“Yup, I think so”

As I started walking into the darkness, Scott suddenly tugged me back by my overlong Vetements sleeves.

"What?" I whispered

"Let me go first baby, I don't want you getting hurt", Scott answered, kissing me on the cheek, making me blush.

I swear that man is so protective of me. But I genuinely love him so much for that. Amongst everything else obviously

"O-okay", I said, taking his hand in mine before following him.

As we got further down the narrow path, I got more nervous. Scott clearly sensed this and reassured me by squeezing my hand lightly and turning round to flash me a smile. I loves how he always knows when I'm anxious. It helped a lot in high school when my anxiety over everything was through the roof. I was pulled from my train of thought when we came across a faint flickering light illuminating a small bundle against a damp fence. Scott turned to me, putting a finger to his lips, signalling for me to be quiet, trying not to startle whatever was there. When the bundle became recognisable, me and Scott both stopped dead in our tracks.

"Oh my god!"

Two small children sat on the cold concrete pavement, shivering under a thin damp blanket. The eldest of the two, looking about 10, slowly lifted her head. With tears in her eyes, she whispered a terrified “help”.

Scott's Pov

With the children clearly needing help, me and Mitch immediately rushed to them. As we uncovered them from the blanket, trying to check for any damage, a small baby started crying in the girl's arms. Mitch and I both let out a small gasp, as Mitch then bundled the baby in his arms, cooing to him gently, in an attempt to calm him down. I then turned my attention to the two girls. They both had tears in their eyes. I opened up my arms and they both cuddled into me, breaking down in my arms. I almost lost it myself but I had to be strong.  Plus if I started crying, I know Mitch would too and it kills me to see him upset.

I gently cooed to the girls, telling them they were safe now and didn't have to worry anymore. After about 5 minutes. The girls stopped crying and I decided to find out more about them.

"What's your name sweetie?" I asked the older looking girl who was distraught.

"Im R-robyn, tha-ats Rosie", she said obviously scared, gesturing to the girl beside her slightly, "and that's Freddie", pointing at the baby in Mitch's arms shakily.

"It's okay Robyn, you're gonna be alright now" I said calmly, cuddling Rosie in my arms and picking her up as I helped Robyn off the floor as well.

“Where are we going?” Robyn asked.

“Well you can come stay with us for the night so you're safe and then we can sort out everything in the morning, okay honey?” I told her.


Robyn took my hand whispering a minute "thankyou" before we walked back down the alley. I then gave her a small empathetic smile to show her she was more than welcome, given her current situation. As we approached the end of the alley, I noticed Robyn struggling to keep up.

"Hey, you okay sweetie?" I questioned, worriedly.

".....yeah.... I'm fin-"Robyn stuttered out before collapsing to the floor.

A/N Sorry if that was really bad but I've had this idea in my mind for a while, so I decided I'd write it. (Also, I'm British so sorry if I sound posh in some parts and let me know if you like it) :)

Switchuptherainbow 😊

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