Chapter 8

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Mitch's Pov

The next morning, I called Kirstie to ask her to watch the kids as Robyn wanted both me and Scott to go with her. Obviously, we wanted to be there for her 100%

Kirstie arrived and we made our way to the police station. The ride silent apart from the quiet music from the radio to break the awkwardness a bit.

We finally arrived and I went round to let Robyn out as the child locks were on.

“You okay honey?” I questioned her, “we don't have to do this today if you're not ready”

“No, I'm okay. I need to do this.”

“Alright hun, just know, we'll both be there the whole time” I said gesturing towards Scott.

“Thanks”, Robyn replied before taking a deep breath and walking inside

I stayed with Robyn as Scott talked to a cop about making a statement. Eventually, we were called into a room so Robyn could make her statement.

“Do you want your dads with you?” The cop asked.

We all looked at eachother a bit bewildered before Robyn nodded her head slightly. Me and Scott sat either side of Robyn, holding both her hands in ours.

“So, Robyn, I'm gonna switch in this machine which will record our conversation and if you wanna step outside for a minute at any point, I'll pause it for you. But take as much time as you want”,the cop said with a smile.


“Now, what happened?”

Robyn explained what her father had done to her, just like she had done with us.

“Okay, do you want to stop before I ask some questions?”

Robyn shook her head and squeezed my hand a bit more, and I rubbed her back soothingly.

“Okay, I need to know whether he ever hurt anyone else besides your mother and yourself.”

“No, not that I know”

“Okay, now, this might be tough to answer but did your father ever sexually abuse you?”

Robyn shook her head before I let out a sigh of relief.

“Alright, one last question, do you know anything about where your dad might be or anything that could help us find him?”

“I can give you my old address but I don't think he'd still be there”

Robyn gave the cop her old address before the cop asked to speak with me and Scott.

“So, I'm really sorry to have to tell you this but seeing as you're not the kids legal guardians, we will have to take them into foster accommodation”

At this point I broke down. Those kids, in the few days id known them, had really grown on me. I loved them so much. To be told I had to give them up was like having a piece of me ripped out.

Scott comforted me as I broke down in his arms.

“I will ring social services, but the kids need to be ready to leave by 3pm. Again, I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do.”

I tried to cheer up when Robyn walked back into to room but judged on her face, she already knew what was going on.


Scott's Pov

We got home, awkward silence filling the car. We walked into the lounge to find Kirstie playing happily with Rosie and Freddie. It broke my heart knowing that their happiness wouldn't last and knowing I could do anything about it. I still felt as if it was my fault. I made Robyn go to the police but I never though about the situation legally. I just wanted the kids safe and away from their father. I’m so stupid sometimes!

“Hey shh baby, you're not stupid. There's nothing we could have done sweetie.” Mitch said hugging me close.

“I guess I said some of that outloud?” I said between small sobs

“Ha, yh” Mitch said with a chuckle and a sad sigh.

We stood hugging for a bit, looking in on the kids playing happily with Kirstie.

“Hey”, Mitch said, startling me slightly. “how about we go get the kids some new thing before they go. To make sure they're a bit happier?”

“Thats a great idea Mitch, It's 12 now so we have 3 hours, we could even stop for a nice lunch maybe?”


After Kirstin had left, we got the kids into the car to take them shopping. We hadn't told Rosie yet as we didn't want to upset her even more, but Robyn agreed shed explain it to her when she needed to.

We arrived at the store, getting the kids out and heading to Starbucks for a small lunch. After a somewhat tense meal and lots of coffee on Mitch's part, we headed to the Disney store, at Rosie's request.

I was so happy that the kids were happy but it saddened me even more to see Rosies eyes light up as we entered the store, knowing I wouldn't see that again.

We got Rosie some dolls and stuffies as well as some things for Freddie and Robyn before going to buy them some much needed new clothes.

Mitch went with Robyn to look at some things because let's face it, Mitch is the Queen of Fashion whilst I took Freddie and Rosie to buy them some things.

As I was looking for a top in Rosie's size, I heard a massive scream from the other side of the store. Robyn and Mitch came running up to me, panting frantically.

“Hey what's going on?”

“Hes here.” Mitch responded.

“Who?” I asked.

“My dad” Robyn replied.

A/N Hope you like the new chapter and thanks for 100 reads to anyone who reads this and votes for it :)

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