Chapter 20

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Mitchs Pov

I put Robyn to bed, saying goodnight quickly. She seemed tired so I let her be. I went to use the bathroom and went to go check on Robyn again when I came out. She seemed quite emotional today and I wanted to make sure she was alright.

I knocked quietly but got no response. I slowly opened the door and poked my head round. Her bed was empty.

I ran down the hall seeing Scott come out of Rosie's room.

“Scott! Robyn's gone!”


“I went to check on her and she's not in her bed. I'm so stupid! I'm sorry”, Mitch said, tears falling.

“Hey, sshh”, I said, pulling him into my chest, kissing his head, “don't worry, we're gonna find her, alright?”


“Promise, okay, let's check the house first.”


We searched everywhere but there was no sign of her.

“She's really gone Scott!what do we do?”

“Hey don't panic baby. We'll find her. She cant have gone far. You rig Kirsite and everyone and get them to start looking. One of us should stay here though. If we don't find her, we'll call the police. Please don't worry sweetheart. We're gonna find her”, Scott said, leaning down to peck my lips quickly.

I called everyone and in 20 minutes they were all here.

“Okay, if we take 3 cars and spread out we'll have a better chance of finding her. Mitch stay here okay baby? Esther Kevin and Avi go in one car and Kirstie and I will go in the other.”

“Okay let's go”

Everyone got up and headed for the door. Scott stayed back and hugged me close.

“We'll find her. Please don't drive yourself crazy though. I'll call you as soon as we find her. I love you baby so much”

“I love you too”, I said before kissing him and he walked outside.

Scotts pov

I was so worried. I didn't tell Mitch that of course. He didn't need to worry about me as well. He was so upset. It wasn't his fault though. There's nothing he could have done. I just prayed I would find her.

After about an hour of nervously driving around, I saw a hooded figure sat on a bench in the park.

I pulled up on the roadside near and told Kirstie to wait in the car.

I walked over, trying not to startle her and sat down on the bench.

“Heya sweetheart. I'm sorry if you don't wanna talk but please don't run off. I'm sorry if we scared you but we've been worried sick. We just want you to come home”

“But it's not home!” she said, angrily.

“Why not?”

“Because nothing lasts forever. You're gonna get annoyed eventually and send us back. I didn't wanna get attached. It makes it harder.”

My heart broke. She thought we were gonna give up on her.

“Sweetheart. We adopted you for a reason. We love you so much. We wanna be there for you no matter what happens sweetheart. But we can't do that unless you let us. I promise wholeheartedly that I'm never ever gonna give up on you. You're the strongest, sweetest most amazing kid I've ever met. I love you and Rosie and Freddie so much. Please, come home”

“Can I have a hug?”

“Come here”

She scooted closer to my  and I wrapped my arms around her, comfortingly. We stayed like that for a while before she spoke up

“Can we go home now, dad?”

Tears started rolling down my face. I was her father. She actually called me dad.

“You have no idea how happy that makes me”

I stood up and took her hand leading her back to the car.

“Oh thank god you're safe sweetie!” Kirstie yelled.

Robyn just smiled a little and sat quietly in the back seat. I called Mitch on the way home and told him she was safe. Kirstie called everyone else and they headed home. I dropped Kirstie off on the way as well. It was probably better if Robyn didn't have everyone around her right now.


I helped her out the car. Guiding her back to the house. As soon as we got inside, Mitch ran over in tears, clutching Robyn tightly.

“Oh my God. I thought I'd lost you sweetie. Are you okay?”

“I am now. I'm sorry I ran away and I never meant to upset you. I love you so much.”

“I love you too sweetheart. But why did you run away?”

“I was being paranoid. I'm really sorry I scared you. Please don't be mad.

“I'm not mad sweetie I'm so happy you're home”

“Me too. Are Rosie and Freddie okay?”

“They're fine, they haven't woken up. But let's get you to bed. You're probably tired.”

“Yeah. Can you both take me though?”

“Of course honey, let's go”

Mitch and I took her back to bed, making sure she was okay before saying goodnight.

We headed to bed, happy that our family was still together.

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