Chapter 5

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“So Robyn, we wanted to ask you some questions about what’s going on and you can take as much time as you need but we need some answers so we can help you okay?

“Okay”, Robyn replied “but promise me one thing”

“What sweetie” Mitch asked

“Please make sure Rosie and Freddie are okay and happy, whatever happens to them?”

“Of course honey, but we promise to make sure you’re happy as well”

Robyn nodded silently, hands in her lap sat on the sofa as we sat on the footstool opposite.

“Okay where to start?” Mitch thought out loud “why were you in that alley in the first place?"

Robyn shifted uncomfortably and took a deep breath before answering. “We ran away” she said simply

“Why?” I asked

This question clearly made Robyn more uncomfortable so I stretched my hand out to hold hers for comfort.

“M-my Dad”, She began, “he erm he…. he”

“It’s okay honey take your time” Mitch said supportively.

“Can I show you?”

Me and Mitch looked towards each other confused but turned back round to Robyn nodding for her to continue

She slowly lifted up her shirt to reveal her entire chest and back littered with bruises, cuts and scars. Me and Mitch were shocked and gasped loudly. Hands covering our mouths. Robyn let go of her shirt and burst into tears, pulling her knees against her chest. We ran to her, sitting down either side of her as I pulled her into my lap. Tears started forming in my eyes from her pain. How? How could anyone want to do that? To an innocent young girl no less. It made me so angry. However, I had to control my frustration and focus on Robyn. I rubbed her back soothingly as Mitch handed her a tissue and saying comforting things to her to calm her down. After about 5 minutes, Robyn’s crying had subsided and I asked if she could continue as there was clearly more to the story.

“I know this might be difficult to answer, but what about your mom?”

Robyn took some deep breaths before answering quietly “He killed her”

“Your dad?” I questioned afraid of the answer.

Robyn nodded her head slowly before adding “he did it about a month ago, just after Freddie was born. My dad for some reason only wanted 2 kids, so when my mum got pregnant, he started mentally abusing her. Luckily, he never hurt her during hr pregnancy so Freddie was born with no difficulties but afterwards”. Robyn stopped to take a few more breaths, “he started abusing her, before deciding one night in his drunken state to shoot her”. At this point we where all in tears but Robyn then managed to stutter out “the-n he too.. took it out on m-me”. I cradled Robyn into my chest telling her she was gonna be okay now and that she was safe with us. We sat there, tears streaming down our faces for about 20 minutes before Robyn looked up and whispered a heartfelt thankyou towards me and Mitch.

“One last question”, Mitch asked, “did he ever hurt Rosie or Freddie?”

“No, thankfully. I had to look after them most of the time but luckily Rosie didn’t really understand what was going on so she’s okay and Freddie’s only a baby.”

“Okay, thanks for talking with us honey, it really helps and if you need to talk again at any point let us know okay, and we can talk through it ” I said.

Robyn nodded.

“But honey?” I questioned, “We do need to call the police about this, alright?”

“Okay but does it have to be today?” Robyn asked, “I don’t think I can explain all that again”

“No its okay sweetie you don’t have to talk about it anymore today but we will need to do it soon okay?”  Mitch answered.

“Okay, Thanks for understanding.”

“Its fine honey” I said.

Rosie then walked into the lounge and we all turned our attention to her

“I’m hungry”, she whined.

Mitch stood up, wiping his tears and putting on a happy expression for her before saying “well we can’t have that now, can we?” and scooping her up

Rosie giggled before noticing mine and Robyn’s sad faces

“What’s the matter with Scotty and Robyn?” she asked innocently.

“It’s okay honey we were just talking about some things but it’s okay now.” I said as I changed my expression to match Mitch’s.

“Okay!” she said cheerily, oblivious to the previous conversation, before adding “Mitchie can we have mac and cheese?”

“Of course honey”, Mitch replied happily. “Do you want some as well?” he added, turning to us.

“Yes please babe” I answered.

Mitch walked out and Robyn got u to use the bathroom. I then got up and went to the kitchen where Mitch was making lunch with Rosie’s expert help of course!

I walked up behind Mitch, kissing him for a second

“Ewwww!” Rosie interrupted

“What do you not like our kisses?” I asked her playfully.

She crossed her arms and shook her head

“Well if you don’t like our kisses you can stay with us” I said jokingly. Rosie, being 2 however, took this literally and burst out into tears, clinging onto Mitch and shouting “NO!! I’m sowwy. I don’t want to leave, pwease let me stay!”

“Oh sweetie, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. You can stay princess” I apologized, taking Rosie from Mitch and cuddling her close.

“I can stay forever?” she asked.

“I don’t know about forever yet sweetie”

“But I don’t want to leave Scotty and Mitchie. I don’t want to go back to daddy, he’s a meanie”, Rosie said hugging me tightly

“Alright baby, we will try our best to let you stay okay?” I said looking at Mitch to make sure he was okay with it.



I turned around to see Robyn smiling widely, Freddie in her arms as he had woken up from his nap.

Mitch gasped loudly and turned round to face me

“Scott! What do we tell the others?”

A/N Sorry if this is really bad but it would mean a lot if you could tell me if youre enjoying this at all. Thanks :)

Switchuptherainbow x

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