Chapter 4

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Mitch's Pov

I woke up in the middle of the night, needing the toilet. I carefully untangled myself from Scott and made my way to the bathroom. As I turned the tap off from washing my hands, I could hear a faint crying noise coming from down the hall. I walked out of the bathroom and turned on the hall light. I quietly knocked on Robyn and Rosie’s room door. The crying stopped for a minute as I opened the door. The sight was so saddening. The two girls were crying into each other's chests before looking up to see me. I rushed towards them, hugging them instantly.

“Hey shhhh it's okay” I whispered “What happened”

“we-e had a nn-nightmare” Robyn stuttered.

“Oh honey it’s okay” I cooed “do you wanna come sleep in our room” I suggested.

They both nodded their heads and I then scooped up Rosie. Holding my hand out for Robyn. She took it and we headed back to my room. 
I ushered them under the covers and Rosie latched onto Scott, whimpering slightly. I turned off the hallway light before climbing back into bed myself. Rosie’s soft cries had woken up Scott.

“uurrgghh, what’s going on?” he mumbled in his sexy morning voice.

“The girls had a nightmare so I said they could sleep with us”, I answered, “that okay?”

“Yeah sure honey” Scott replied, noticing Rosie was next to him, crying silently.

“sshhh baby, it's okay” he said, pulling her into his chest, stroking her hair soothingly.

Robyn was now clung into my arm, tears dripping down her face. It was clear the girls needed comfort and weren't going to fall asleep on their own. I looked to Scott and we both started singing softly

Close your eyes, lay your head down

Now it's time to sleep

May you find great adventure

As you lie and dream

If you're scared of the darkness

I will calm your fear

There's a light in the hallway

So you know I'm here

So count your blessings every day

It makes the monsters go away

And everything will be okay

You are not alone

You are right at home

Goodnight, goodnight”

Before we could sing the next verse, the girls had fallen asleep. Me and Scott mouthed “I love yous” and then settled down into bed. We #soon fell asleep too.


Scott's Pov

The next morning, at about 6:30am, I was awoken to Freddie’s cries. I groaned, got out of bed and picked him up. I rocked him gently, and then walked out of the room, not wanting to wake the others. I quickly realised that Freddie needed his diaper changed, thanks to the putrid smell. I took him into the bathroom, changed him and cuddled him in my arms again. His crying had subsided a little but he was clearly hungry. I walked downstairs with him and got his bottle prepared before popping it in the microwave. Thank god Lauren had let me look after Landon on a few occasions, otherwise I'd be clueless! The microwave beeped and I took out the bottle, checking the temperature before feeding Freddie. He’s so freakin’ adorable. I put the radio on quietly, humming to the tune, swaying Freddie in my arms. When he was almost finished, Mitch appeared in the kitchen.

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