Chapter 10

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Mitch's Pov

It had been about a week since the kids left us. Scott and I were both devastated but we knew that we had to give them up. Otherwise we might end up in prison, and we couldn't help anyone that way. Scott tries to act happy to make sure I'm okay but I know he's hurting just as much as me.

We had Kirstie round today to tell her what happened and maybe take our minds off things.

"We just miss them so much"

"Well why don't you go get them?" Kirstie said.

"What do you mean?"

"Well you obviously care about them a lot and it's clear that them leaving has hurt you so much. So why don't you adopt them? We could go to the care home today"

Me and Scott locked at each other uneasily.

"Well... erm", I said. I wanted the kids back so badly and I think Scott does as well but I didn't want to scare him and jump in. Luckily he did it for me

"Okay, let's do it", he said taking my hands in his own.

I looked at our hands and then into his deep ocean blue eyes. They had as much want in them as I had in my heart. These kids weren't gonna get away that easily

"You sure?" I checked

"Only as sure as you are"

"Okay, let's go!" I said enthusiastically as Scott chuckled quietly.


We dropped Kirstie home before heading to the care home.

"Scott, I really want to do this, but I wanna make sure you do too. Are you 100% sure?"

"Mitchie I'm 1000% sure and that's not even possible!" he said, holding my hands and making us both chuckle.

"Alright, let's do this!"

We walked inside, holding hands and up to the front desk.

"Hi, how can I help you two today?" the woman said from behind the desk.

"We're looking to adopt three kids. In fact they were bought here about a week ago."

"Okay what are their names, please?"

"Robyn, Rosie and Freddie Johnson"

"Oh, I'm really sorry but they were fostered by someone a few days ago, they're not here".

Me and Scott looked at each other bewildered. How had they already gone? Not that they aren't amazing kids, but getting fostered in just three days seemed unbelievable.

"Um okay thanks for telling us but is there any way you could tell us who there with?" I asked, worried something bad had happened to them.

"Well their case is confidential so I'm afraid I can't tell you".

"Please, could you just give us a name, we think they're in danger"

"Well I have to agree, the man was in a hurry to get them out of here, he was so jittery when I was doing their paperwork"

"Please! Just one name, we promise we won't tell anyone you had anything to do with it, we just want to make sure they're safe." Scott pleaded

"Okay, his name is David Johnson, he's supposedly their uncle"

I looked at Scott before grabbing his hand and pulling him out to the car.

"Mitch, what-"

"Drive!" I screamed, cutting him off

"Okay, calm down, where to?"

I thought for a moment before answering, police station.

"Okay were going but why?"

"If there with their uncle, I reckon he took them for their dad when he gets out! I bet you anything there in trouble right now. We need to get their address from the police, I bet you they're back there.

"Wait, I remember it! It was 16 Blue Avenue. It rhymed!"

"That's brilliant and all Scott but we kind of need to get there, babe."

"Oh yeah sorry, I'm on it" he replied.

Thankfully, the drive wasn't that long, so we arrived fairly quickly. I looked outside, seeing a dishevelled, shell of a house. Tar pooling covering smashed windows, crumbling brickwork, a smashed door. I hated the thought of the kids being here. It was no place at all for those sweet kids. I teared up at the thoughts wandering my brain.

"Hey, baby it's okay, don't cry, we're gonna go save them alright?"

I nodded, tears slowly falling down my cheeks, before Scott brushed them way, kissed me and got out the car. He opened my door, helping me out and we walked to the front 'door'.

I knocked on the door, but was met with silence. Scott then yelled a questioned 'hello?' through the house, but still nothing.

"Maybe we should check it out?" Scott suggested.

"Okay, but we go together."

Scott nodded and took my hand as he pushed the door and it creaked open. Inside there was a smashed TV, and ripped up couch and various alcohol bottles on the floor. The carpet was coming up in certain placed and looked extremely dirty. The walls were covered in random black and brown stains and the place smelt disgusting. I couldn't bear the thought of those kids even witnessing a place like this, let alone living in one. There was clearly no one here so we checked upstairs. Half the rooms were empty and as dishevelled as the downstairs rooms. Then I came across one room that had a dirty double mattress with a few old blankets in it. There was also two well-worn stuffed animals. A rabbit and a tiger. I assumed they belonged to the kids so ventured in and picked them up. Scott then engulfed me in a hug as tears were streaming down my face.

"How Scottie, how could anyone be so cruel, especially to their own children."

"There's just some bad people in the world but Mitchie, but we're gonna be the good people and make sure they're safe from now on, okay?"

"Okay, but how can we? They're not here."

"Well how about we get back in the car and drive around a bit. You never know, they might still be in the area", Scott said optimistically.


We made our way downstairs and out the door. Me still clutching the plushies in my chest. As I went to open the door. I saw a sight I'll never forget.

A/N hope you like this chapter, kind of a filler one :)

Also I have a book of oneshots I update more frequently sometimes if anyone likes my writing but they're kinda triggering sometimes. (Sorry)

Ps; if anyone really wants an update on this let me know and I'll try post one asap :)

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