Chapter 14

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Mitch's Pov

My heart was pumping at about 100 miles per hour. The next words I would hear meant the world to me. I hoped and prayed the jury saw sense. I vowed I’d never ask for anything more from anyone. If just wanted to hear that one wor-

“Guilty”, the judge finished, cutting me off.

I sat there in shock, the kids were gonna be safe! Scott then pulled me into a hug as we both cried with tears of joy. Robyn and Rosie joined in and Kirstie wrapped her arms around all of us as best she could. I was literally the happiest person alive at that moment in time. Eventually we had to settle down to hear the charges against David and their dad.

“Due to abuse of verbal and physical demeanour towards minors, David Harvey is sentenced to 10 years.”

A sigh of relief waved through my heart. That dick finally got what he deserved. But then again, he wasn't the main problem. He had no blood relation to the kids, so couldn't take custody of them. Their dad on the other hand was a different matter entirely.

“Now the charges against Mark Johnson. For child endangerment, mental and physical abuse to minors, and a possible murder case, Mr Johnson is sentenced to 20 years imprisonment with possible delegation in regard to the murder of Mrs Shannon Johnson”

I burst into tears. The kids were finally safe.

“Case dismissed”

I looked over at Scott who was clutching Rosie close to him, tears cascading down his own face. Robyn then lept into my arms smiling widely, hugging me tightly.

“It's okay now sweetie, you're safe”

“Thank you, for not giving up on us”

“And we are never ever gonna give up on you”



Robyn hugged me again, her head against my chest as I ran my fingers through ther long brown hair.


After we left the courtroom, Nicole said she would collect the kids at 9am tomorrow. We agreed and took the kids back home. We ordered pizza, watched movies and made sure the kids were as happy as possible. We wanted them to feel at home and therefore, they wouldn't be as nervous when we adopted them. I couldn't quite believe that me and Scott would be parents in a matter of days. If you’d asked me about a month ago, I probably would have said, no way would I ever want kids. However, there was something about these kids that was special. From the moment I saw them, I instantly felt the need to protect them. Whether it was there faces when we came to help them, or the fact they were so young, both Scott and I just needed to look after them. And now, after all the shit that's happened, that need had only grown stronger. We’d been through alot with them and had always been there, we couldn't just leave them.

At about 9pm, after watching literally every disney princess film, we took the kids to bed, then went to bed ourselves, exhausted from the day's events.


Scotts Pov

I woke up at 7:30, knowing that soon, the kids had to go back to the care home. I felt so bad, but me and Mitch promised them we would come get them. I awoke Mitch who went downstairs with Freddie as I went to wake the girls.

“Girls you need to get up”, I said shaking them slightly.

As soon as Rosie saw me she latched onto my neck


“Morning Princess, Morning Robyn”

“Hey…” she said meekly, knowing she had to leave soon.

“Hey don't be sad sweetie, we promised we'll come and get you soon”, I said, trying to cheer her up

“See, I told you Robyn”, Rosie said knowingly.

“Alright.” Roby said bluntly.

We got the kids dressed and ready to go by 8:45, leaving time for us to properly say goodbye, for now.

“Okay, Rosie”, I said picking her up, “You have to go back with Nicole in a minute okay? But me and Mitchie promise 100% that we will come and get you in a bit, okay princess?”

“Okay Scottie, but you have to come back!” she said, defiantly ”

“I promise”

I put her down so she could say goodbye to Mitch as Robyn walked up to me

“Bye sweetheart”, I said pulling her in for a hug, “I'm gonna miss you”

“I'm gonna miss you too. And thank you for everything you've done for us” she said.

“You say that like I'm never gonna see you again!”

“I know you said you’d come back, but it’s okay if you don't. I understand. You probably don't want annoying kids with bad past hanging round you. But I really can’t thank you enough, you saved us.”

I was taken aback by her words, “Hey, I promised we’d come back and we definitely are. And Me and Mitch love you so much, you're not annoying, your amazing. We want you back”

Robyn was crying by this point, “Thank you Scott, so much, but please, even if three kids is too much, take Rosie and Freddie. They deserve to be happy”

“And so do you, more than anything. We gonna come and get you, all of you, okay?”


Just as I had finished my conversation, the doorbell rang.

Mitch answered the door, Freddie in his arms and Rosie by his side.

“Hi, Nicole”

“Hey y’all, everyone ready?”

“Yup” I said walking over to Mitch, “all their stuffs in their bags”

“Okay thanks, Come on you lot, let's go”, Nicole said ushering them out of the door as she carried Freddie.

We went outside with them to see them off, crying as the car drove away.

A/N Thanks to anyone still reading this. Hope you like the new chapter :) sorry it's a bit crap.

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