Chapter 13

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Scott's Pov

This was it. The day of the hearing. We called Kevin and Avi over to ours to look after Freddie for the day but Rosie came with us as she could be used as a witness. Kirstie was also coming with us for mainly moral support and to watch Rosie when she wasn't at the stand.

We got everyone up and ready before heading straight to the courtroom as the trial was at 10am. After driving for about 30 minutes, after Rosie persistently questioning 'are we there yet', we made it. We walked into the building, checking at reception and taking our seats.

"All rise"

The social worker had sorted out a lawyer to represent the girls so he presented their case. Once both sides had their say, it was time to call the witnesses to the stand. I was called up first. I made my way to the stand and answered all the questions with complete honesty. Mitch was then called and did the same as me. Luckily he answered the same way I did, so our case seemed stronger. Next was Robyn's turn. She asked Mitch to come with her and the judge complied seeing as she was only 10. I could tell she was nervous getting up there, but Mitch comforted her as best he could.

"So Robyn, you know the charges against your father, Mark Johnson, and David so I will not repeat them, however I do have some questions. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I do"

"Thank you, now first question. What is your relationship with your father like?"

"My father used to love me and Rosie but ever since our baby brother, Freddie was born, he verbally abused me and my mother."

"What happened to your mother?"

"My father killed her", Robyn said, almost in tears.

"Did you witness the event?"

"Yes, me and my siblings were in our room and it took place on the landing. He got angry with her and pushed her down the stairs purposefully. He then took us and left my mother to p-pass aw-away"

"Where were you taken?"

"To a derelict house on Blue Avenue. We stayed there for a few months before my father started physically abusing me as well as verbally abusing me."

"Do you have any evidence to support this?"

Robyn nodded before slowly lifting her shirt to show the judge her bruises and scars. She was in tears and I wanted nothing more than to run over to her and cradle her in my arms. She was so fragile yet so strong. At 10 years old, to have gone through all this. It broke my heart. No child should ever be treated in that way, no matter what they've done.

"Are all these from your father?"

"No, some are also from David Harvey. He took us from the care home we were put in and physically abused me like my father did. He was planning to keep me until my father got out of prison"

"Did he or your father ever abuse your siblings?"

"Thankfully, my dad never abused them but David hit Rosie a few times whilst we were there"

"That's bullshit, I never touched any of them!" David shouted from across the room.

"SILENCE!" the judge exclaimed. "Now, Robyn that will be all for today but I would like to call Rosie Johnson to the stand."

Rosie looked up at her name

"It's okay sweetie but you need to go and talk to the man in the funny wig like Scottie, Mit Mit and Robyn did okay?" I explained

"Okay, Scottie come too?"

"Yes honey, I'll come with you"

She nodded and I picked her up walking down to the stand. We passed Mitch and Robyn on the way, giving them a slight nod. An assistant got a stool for Rosie to stand on and I placed her on it. She looked back at me, before crying and reaching towards me. I walked towards her, cuddling her close to me.

"Mr Hoying, could I ask you to stand with Rosie in the stand please?"

"Yes your honour", I said taking my place as Rosie's cries subdued.

"Okay, I will proceed with the questions. Rosie, did David ever hurt you?"

Rosie nodded into my chest. "Can you tell the man how?" I asked her.

"Meanie David hitted me", she said tears threatening to spill.

"Did your daddy ever hurt you?"

"No Scottie never hurted me! Scotties very nice and me make sure I'm safe", she pleaded. I turned slightly red at the fact she thought of me as her dad. I also teared up a bit that she thought so highly of me.

"Safe from who?"

"Old daddy and Meanie David. They hurted Robyn and made her sad. Meanie David made me sad too", she answered, "But Scottie and Mit Mit makes me and Robyn happy"

I looked to Mitch who was crying as I was now. Hearing Rosie say we made her happy was the best feeling. We meant something to her. We took away her sadness.
"Thank you Mr Hoying that will be all"

I took Rosie back to our seats as she cuddled me happily as I looked at Mitch hugging Robyn as she was crying from the difficult questions. Kirstie was in floods of tears and had to leave the room to compose herself.

The other side presented their case, denying all accusations put against them. After that the jury left to reach a verdict. This gave us half an hour of waiting. During our break, we gave the kids some snacks and got Kirst to watch them whilst we had a talk with the lawyer and Nicole.

"Well their case didn't seem as well put together and there is a lot of evidence against them both. This should mean they lose but we won't know for a bit, so don't get your hopes up just yet", the lawyer explained.

"What happens if they lose, what happens to the kids?" Mitch asked Nicole.

"Well they will be taken back to care, have a full health check and hopefully they should be up for adoption within a week" she explained.

I looked to Mitch to see him smiling like crazy. I knew the minute we found out the verdict, we would be straight to the care home to adopt them ASAP. We needed them and they needed us. There was no question about it.

We were called into the courtroom again, after sitting with the girls for a while, enjoying their company if this was gonna be the last time we saw them. We made our way in, taking our seats

"The jury has reached a verdict. We find the defendants......"

A/N Hope you liked this chapter!

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