Chapter 9

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Scott's Pov

"RUN!" I exclaimed as Mitch grabbed Rosie as I pushed Freddie in his stroller. We rushed out of the store, ditching the clothes on the way and all hurried out to the car and got in quickly. Robyn and Rosie in the back and Freddie in Mitch's arms. I pulled quickly out of the parking lot, almost crashing into another driver. I then made my way onto the road, before noticing another car speeding behind me. I heard Robyn mutter a "dad" under her breath and immediately drove as fast as I could. I decided it would be best to go to the police rather than going home right now so headed in that direction. However as soon as Robyn's dad noticed what I was doing, he quickly diverted in the opposite direction. We got to the police station and got everyone inside in case he came back. I immediately reported him and seeing as he couldn't have gone far, put out  an arrest party.  We all bundled back into the car and headed home.


We pulled into the  driveway and got the kids out quickly.  I walked to the door with Rosie in my arms to find it open already. I instantly put Rosie down and told Mitch to wait with the kids. I opened the door slightly to find nothing. I started walked towards the kitchen just when the front door slammed behind me. I turned around suddenly to find him.

"I see you took my children, mind giving them back?" he said in a menacing voice.

"No!" I exclaimed walking slightly towards him. 

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way" he said pulling a gun out from his pocket.

I backed away a bit to see Mitch outside the window looking horrified. I glanced over to him letting him know I was in trouble. He instantly grabbed his phone to call 911. 

"You've got 10 seconds to hand them over", he said, pointing the  gun to my head. 


I was really freaking right now. I couldn't hand the kids over to him, there was no way. But if I died, Mitch wouldn't be there and I couldn't stand the thought of him alone. Not to mention, anything could happen to the kids. 


I glanced back to Mitch who was clutching Freddie close to him, Robyn holding Rosie, all with tear streaming down their faces.


This was it.


"WAIT!", Robyn burst through the door, causing her dad to immediately turn and run towards her.

"Listen, you can take me, but no the others. It's me you want anyway, not them" she said, tears still streaming down her face.

"Well we couldn't split you up now, could we", he replied, edging closer to Mitch and the kids.

"No please!" Robyn pleaded.

"Shut up!", her dad threatened, pointing the gun towards her.

I stood there helpless. If I moved or said anything, he could kill me, or worse kill Robyn. I stood there, tears streaming down my face, not able to look at anyone. Robyn was dragged out the door by her father as he grabbed Rosie away from Mitch. She screamed,alarming her father who was startled enough to allow time for Rosie to wriggle from his grasp. She ran into the house and straight into my arms. I snuggled her close to me, us both crying. Just as her dad came back inside to get her, sirens went off in the distance. I sighed in relief as they were probably close enough to not allow enough time for him to get away. He let Robyn go and tried to bolt out, only to be caught by 2 cops. Robyn ran over to me as I knelt down to huddle both her and Rosie close to me. Mitch came in, escorted by who I assume was a social worker who gave me a sympathetic smile. 

"Robyn, you and your siblings need to come with me now", she said.

Robyn gave her a tearful nod and began to go upstairs to get her things. Rosie wouldn't let go of me however so I picked her up and took her upstairs. Mitch tearfully gave Freddie to the social worker and followed after me. we silently helped packed everything before Robyn tackled us both in a massive hug, sobbing uncontrollably. 

"I'm so sorry about m-my dad Sc-cott, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you've done for us. I'll-'Ill never for-get you"

"Were sorry we couldn't let you stay. But we promise we'll never ever forget any of you."


"We promise", Mitch replied

"Right, we need to get you going", I said solemnly. 

We grabbed all the bags, plus the stuff we had bought them at the mall and headed out the door. 

We all bundled together in a massive hug in the driveway, teary eyed, before the social worker tapped me on the shoulder, signaling they had to leave. I said goodbye to Robyn and Freddie and Mitch did the same before turning round to realize Rosie wasn't there. I ran back into the house calling for her before she emerged from the living room crying her eyes out. I bent down to pick her up, a  sigh of relief flowing over me.

"I don't want to leave Scottie and Mitchie", she wailed

This broke my heart, but I knew she had to go

"I'm sorry honey, but you have to go", I said

"But, But you said we could stay, you broke your promise"

"I know sweetie and if you could stay you could but you have to go otherwise me and Mitchie will get into trouble okay princess? I'm sorry but you cant stay"

She burst out into tears at this point and wriggled from my grasp before running back out to Robyn. I ran after her but she and the others were already in the car. I pulled Mitch into my chest as we both needed comfort at this point. We waved them goodbye and headed back indoors. and just like that. They were gone.

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