Chapter 6

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Mitch Pov

“What others” Robyn questioned.

“Basically we are part of a music group and we go on tour with them so we're really close and we need to tell them about you”

“Okay”, Robyn said sceptical.

“Don’t worry they’re really nice” Scott responded, “Maybe we could invite them for lunch?”

“Okay, you go call them and I’ll make some more mac and cheese, you know what Kirstie’s like!”

Scott chuckled and went to call the rest of the group, Rosie still in his arms.

“So are these people like work colleagues”, Robyn enquired “do I have to be formal and whatnot?”

I laughed at Robyn’s questions before answering “on no honey, we’ve known them for about 5 years now. Its kinda like a big friendship group, well actually, it’s like an extended family!”

“Is that how you met Scott?”

“No actually, me, Scott and our friend Kirstie met in high school and me and Scott started dating about 2 years ago.”

“Aww Sweet!”

“Yeah, then we started a cringey trio a cappella group”, Robyn stated at me blankly. “Basically it’s making music without instruments.”

“Oh cool” Robyn replied and I giggled at her remark and turned to get more macaroni.

“Mitch?” I turned round again.

“Yes, Honey”

“Are there lots of you?” Robyn asked looking slightly worried.

“Oh no there’s only the five of us in the group and like Scott said, they’re really nice.”

“Okay then. Do you need any help?” she asked

“No I’m good honey, does Freddie need anything?” I questioned.

“No he’s fine, can I go watch tv in the other room?”

“Course you can, sweetie”

Scott came back in to tell me everyone was on their way.

“I think we should tell them about Robyn and everything before they meet them, just in case something happens”, Scott suggested.

“Okay, that sounds good”, I said as I took a taste of macaroni, “does this taste okay”, I asked Scott, giving him a teaspoon of sauce.

“That’s perfect Mitch! Just like you” he said cheesily, giving me a peck on the cheek, before going to lay the table.

“Thanks babe”

Scotts Pov

As I was laying the table, there was a loud crash followed by screaming cries coming from the lounge. I dropped the mats I was placing and ran to find Rosie on the floor in tears and a worried looking Robyn sat in shock. I picked Rosie up cuddling her close for comfort.

“What happened?” I asked Robyn.

“She was jumping on the couch and I told her to sit down but she wouldn't stop so I tried to yank her down but she fell! I honestly didn’t mean to!” Robyn said heartfully.

“It's okay Robyn, I'm not mad but I better sort Rosie out.” I said, taking Rosie to the kitchen.

“What happened?!?” Mitch exclaimed.

“She fell off the couch”, I answered, “can you grab me the first aid kit”

“Yeah, course”, Mitch said in a hurry.

I sat Rosie on the kitchen island and noticed a small cut on their knee and grazes on her hands.

“It's okay princess, we’ll make it better alright?” I said trying to calm her.

She nodded her head as Mitch came back with the first aid kit and held Rosie to comfort her. I pulled out plaster and stuck it over the cut on her knee and rubbed some antiseptic on her palms. She had calmed down a bit now and I distracted her by letting her help me lay the table. She soon got bored, however and went to watch tv while I finished.

“I finished the table, my queen”, I announced to Mitch.

“Thanks babe”, Mitch replied.

“You’re welcome babe”

“Oh! What about the house? It's so messy. Our rooms not tidy and neither is the bathroom and-”

I cut him off with a kiss

“Babe, don't worry, the house if fine and it's only Kirstie, Avi and Kevin. Whats got you so stressed?” I said as I picked him up and placed him on the kitchen island so we were at the same level.

“I don't know”, Mitch sighed in defeat. “I guess I'm just worried about what they're gonna think. I mean we do have three kids staying with us”

“Hey”, I said, lifting his chin so his eyes met mine, “we've known them for like 5 years! I promise they're not gonna be mean.”


“Promise” I replied as I pulled him in for a passionate kiss. However, it turned into a pretty heated make out session. His hands through my hair. My hands on his neck, making no space between us.

We quickly pulled away however, when we heard a knock on the back door in the kitchen and turned to see Kirstie, Avi and Kevin at the glass giggling at our now red faces.

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