Chapter 15

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Mitch's Pov

I awoke at 8:30 as the care home opened at 10. I was desperate to get there as soon as it opened. I jumped on Scott waking him up.

"Baby, what you doing?"

"Scott, we can go get the kids today!" I exclaimed

Scott immediately shot up, out of bed, and straight to the shower.

After a while, we were both ready and headed out to the car. I've never been so happy. Finally, after weeks of fights with the police, their dad, the law, they were finally safe. I sung along to every song on the way there, excitement was an understatement. As we turned the street, the care home came into view. This was it! Scott parked up and I hopped out, walking hand in hand with him to the door. Scott pushed the door and stepped inside but something stopped me

"Mitch, what's wrong baby?" Scott asked

"Are you sure we can do this?"

"Of course we can! You are amazing with those kids and besides, we can't give up on them now. We promised them, remember?"

"I know but what if I'm a terrible parent. What if I can't look after them?"

"Baby, look at me", He said, tilting my chin up to meet his eyes, "No parent is ever perfect. Yes, we might slip up a couple of times but that life honey. You love them, don't you?"

"Yeah, more than anything"

"Exactly, what those kids need more than anything right now is love and we've got masses of it"

"Okay", I said

"I'm not gonna force you to do this if you don't want and I'll support whatever you wanna do, but I wanna do this. So you with me?"

I nodded my head, smiling and entered the building with Scott. We walked up to the front desk and spoke to Nicole about them for ages. After about 2 hours, all the paperwork was sorted and we were now their adoptive parents. I couldn't have been happier! Unfortunately, we still had to have a house check before they could come home with us, but we were legally their parents until then.

Scott's Pov

Mitch and I were ecstatic. We could finally call the kids our own, legally. It would be about a week till they could actually live with us, but it was perfect. I could finally do what I wanted to do on the night we found the kids. The day after we'd been to the care home, Mitch went out with Kirstie. I called Avi and Kevin round to help me set up. It took about 2 hours to get everything perfect, but when it was, it looked beautiful. Not as beautiful as Mitch himself, but pretty darn close! Avi and Kevin went back home so I could be alone for Mitch's return. Kirstie also knew and thankfully agreed to keep Mitch distracted for the day and promised me she'd make sure Mitch came back at around 6.

It was currently 5:30 so I headed upstairs to get changed. Kirstie text me when I got back to the lounge saying Mitch would be back really soon. My nerves started kicking in, What if he said no. Oh God, was he ready? Was I ready? I heard a jingle of keys in the door, breaking me from my questions. It was too late to back out now.

"Scottie, I'm home!"

"In the lounge baby!"

My heart raced 10 times more with each step he took. He walked into the lounge and gasped, tears already forming in his eyes.

"Scott, this looks beautiful! What's happening?"

"Come here", I said holding my hand out for him to take.

I lead him into the center of the room. He stood, tears falling, hands over his mouth.

"Baby, ever since I met you in high school, I thought you were the most beautiful person I'd ever laid my eyes on. Your deep chocolate brown eyes that have tiny flecks of gold in them, your cheekbones and jawline that could cut a bitch, your gorgeous body I can never seem to take my eyes off, your bright smile that always makes me so happy no matter what and your plump lips that I want to kiss every minute of every day. Everything about you is perfect baby. You always make me laugh when I'm down. You're so kind and caring to everyone. Your shy side that I love to protect. I love everything about so much. You're my world and I would be completely lost without you. I love you so much Mitch, so will you do me the greatest honor ever and will you marry me?" I finished, pulling a small box from my pocket and getting down on one knee.

Mitch was full on sobbing by this point, unable to form words and violently nodded his head, running into my arms.

"I take that as a yes?"

"YES Scott, yes! I love you so much, baby!"

I put the ring on his finger, kissing him passionately. We pulled apart, sobbing and giggling.

"The ring is so beautiful baby, I love it!"

"And I love you", I said, leaning in for another loving kiss. I picked him up not breaking our now make out session and headed upstairs to our room. I placed Mitch down carefully onto the bed and straddled his hips, resuming our heated kisses. Mitch moaned under my touch

"Fuck, I need you Scott."

A/N Hope this chapter was okay :) thank you so much for 300 reads as well!! :)

PS: next chapter will be smut ;)

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