As I walked through the door all I saw was amazing. It was a big house. Probably 3 stories. And Xavier always said his house wasn't big. Oh my god how I envy him. I wonder if his brother has noticed me. I still had my bluish silverish hair. But I honestly am getting bored of it. I was thinking of going like a golden brown hair. But I didn't want to have them waste money on me.
"Hey do you know anyone that can dye my hair?" I asked George. He looked over at me and looked amazed at how I started the conversation. "Well I do know someone who does hair. And well your looking right at him." George said. He did hair? But he doesn't look like if he does. I was amazed know. "Really? You know how to dye hair?" I asked still amazed. All George did was nod. All I needed next was him to come out saying that he dyed Markipliers hair.
As we entered the house I think Xavier recognized my voice. Because he ran down the stairs yelling "Jax! Is that you?" Is what I heared. I looked around to see if I saw him. I didn't. "Wait you know my brother?" George asked. He looked amazed. I guess you could say I knew his brothers lips. I just nodded at the comment though.
"Wow! Where have you been? I've missed you." Xavier said. "Well I guess I'll let you two talk and be alone. Okay bye." George said as he rushed out the room. Well know that's only me and Xavier in the living room it was weird. I basically did something wrong to Xavier. What ever we have it won't last if I were to tell him. But yet I don't want him thinking that I'm a perfect little angel and that I never did what I did.
"Can we go to your room?" I asked. He nodded. I guess he saw the suitcase and became just overwhelmed. As we walked the up the stairs all I could think is how should I start the conversation I want to have. And I was scared he would I guess dump me. And I don't want that. I love him too much to lose him. I need to have him. I need Xavier to know what love is I guess.
As we entered his room he said "it's like if were married and we're finally moving i together. Oh where do you want to sleep? With me or by yourself?" He asked me before I could get to my point. I just wanted to get over with it. It felt like if i was going to rip a bandied off my leg. That shit hurts like fuck. I tell you. It's going to feel like that right now.
"I just want to talk about something before we discuss were we will be sleeping." I said. He looked at me in worry. "No don't look at me like that please?" I asked him. He nodded as he changed his expression. "Well before I came here I asked Zander if I could stay with hi for a while because I family issues. And well somethings led to the next. Do you get me?" I asked him sadly. I hoped he'd say yes and he forgave me. But instead he looked at me in confusion. "What do you mean somethings led to the next Jax?" He asked. I was nervous. "Whatever I say next I want you to know what ever ids going on between us right now I flt that way when I did this action. Okay?" I looked at him with the eyes I make to the people I love. He nodded. "We were in his room talking and well he began to get mad at me an didn't look at me and well I got him and kissed him. Sorry? I love you okay Xavier." I said. He looked at me. He knew what I did was wrong. But instead of what I had imagined the opposite happened. He forgave me. "And back to how we are sleeping? Me or by yourself?" He asked. I looked at him like if he was retarded. 'With you duh. Why wouldn't I dude." I said as leaned over to punch him.
They called us for dinner. I was scared that Xavier's parents wouldn't like me and that they would tell me to leave like what happened with Zander. As we walked down the stairs I looked around. there were many baby photos of George and Xavier. There was one as well of him and George in Hawaii. This family does have everything. "Come on down Jax." He told me. I stood there like a dumb person. "What's wrong?" He asked me. "What if your parents tell me to leave and that I'm not welcomed." I told him as I started to hyperventilate. I do this when I'm scared. "They'll love you. come one big guy." Xavier said as he lifted me. "Okay. I'm trusting you okay." I responded. All he did was nod.
We entered the kitchen and his dad and mom were there. They looked amazed. Surprised even. I guess they have never had company before. "Come sit down with us." His mom directed me. "See I told you they wouldn't mind." Xavier mumbled. He was acting weird with his family around. "What's your name kid?" His dad had asked me. He looked intimidating. He looked like if I were to say something about me and his bot he'd kick me out of the house. "MY name?" I asked. He nodded. "Jax." I answered. "Oh so you are Jax." His father said. "Yes I am Jax sir." I told his dad. "Oh don't call me sir. Call me Dad in law." He responded. I was know confused and amazed. "Excuse me what?" I asked. He looked at me. "Your my boys boyfriend right?" HE asked me. In my head I thought. Boyfriend? What? Is that what we're calling each other know. Boyfriends? "Yes sir I am." I responded.
Apparently his dad was okay with it. He didn't yell at me. "And so have you two discuss the sleeping situation?" He asked. He looked concerned. I let Xavier take this one. "Yes we have dad." Xavier said confidently. "So what is it going to be young men?" He asked again with concern in his voice. " together." Xavier said with hesitation. "Great exactly what I wanted to hear." He said.
After dinner we both got up. And by both I mean me and Xavier. We got up and I got my plate. Xavier didn't so I got his. "Oh don't worry honey you don't have to do that." His mom said. I didn't know what to do. I usually did this at home. But yet I'm not at home. "Okay miss." I said dropping the plates gently on the table. She looked up at me and smiled. How wonderful were these people. Thy just seemed awesome to me in some type of way.
I walked up to Xavier's room. All I saw was his blue eyes in the reflection. His blonde hair breezing thru the fans hair just like paper. Oh his sweet smile. It's all I could ever want in him. His personality. Oh how gentle,sweet,respectable,and calm but yet he could have fun. He was the one for me. He turned and saw me staring. "I saw you!" He yelled across the room. He began to run after me. As i dodged him a couple times in his room;he closed the door with his hip and jumped towards me. We fell back onto the bed. This is were our relationship set sailed and took off.
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A/n: Hey guys! I have added pictures of how Xavier and Jax look. I know I posted two chapters today but that is because I was bored. LOL! But I want to know who you guys would like to see together at the end. Do you root for Jax and Zander-Jader or for Jax and Xavier-Jaier. Or would any of you guys like to see Jax with another guy. Please comment what you think. Love you. Byeeee!!!