Chapter 10

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As he squeezed my thigh sometimes I would jump. "Stop it." I said all playfully. I didn't know why though. I guess because for the first time ever I have been happy. Don't get me wrong. I had been a happy child once in my life time. But ever since I began my last year in my junior high I guess you can say I've gotten sadder and more depressed.

As we exited the class Xavier ran up to me. He looked worried. "What did you mean in the letter?" He asked me in concern. "What do you think?" He looked at me all sad and scared. "Since the day started you have been ignoring me. And plus when I asked you who I should hang out with you were a total jerk face to me. So what's up with that?" I asked him as we stopped at a corner in the fine arts hall. "Look I've been wanting to tell you. I sorta told people that I hate you and that you rapped me." He said looking at the floor. I couldn't believe my ears. "You did what and said what?!" I said as anger bursted out of me. "I'm sorry but please forgive me? I'll tell everyone I was liying." He said. I couldn't think straight. I learned today I was seeing a total jerk face. I was messing with a jerk face.

As he said the words let me show you how bad I feel and that I'm sorry. Were the ones that I knew were going just to lead me into a path of forgiveness and kindness with Xavier or a life of hatred with Zander. I didn't know what to do. I was being played. Zander isn't allowed to hang out with me anyways. So I decided to let Xavier explain. "Okay. Show me." I said. He looked at me in a happy look. But something in his eyes told me I made a huge mistake. I was scared.

"Okay during lunch meet me by the back of the school. Not the back with cameras. But the side with no cameras okay?" He asked me. I just nodded.

As I was in 5th period I waited for the bell for lunch to ring. I was nervous. I was acctually thinking of not going but imagine how made he would be. As I entered the cafeteria I saw Xavier with his friends. I saw Zander with his new popular friends. I was alone.

I walked to the nearest table which was not being used at the moment. I sat down to end up eating alone. I looked at my food but once in awhile I would look around the room. I would sometimes see people pointing and then laughing at me. That happened every time I would look around.

I saw Xavier and his friends get up and leave. Xavier caught me looking his way and that is when he did the gesture that I needed to leave. I got my plate and left the building. As I threw my plate some random girl came up to me. "Hey my name is Selena." She said as she threw her food away. "Hey I'm Jax." I said back as my food hit the trash. "Yeah I know. I have you for fifth." She seemed nice. "Oh yeah you sit with the cheerleaders. And you were one. Right?" I said. I felt like I was coming out as mean. "Yup. And well I saw you sitting alone. Why was that?" She asked me as we both walked out. "Because I don't fit in with any group. I don't think they want someone like me." I said. She looked at me and asked me what I meant. "A runaway. And Xavier said he said I tapped him. So I guess a rapist?" I said with quotation marks with my fingers. "Is that true?" She asked backing away. "No. I didn't." I said all defensively. She hugged me like if she felt sorry. It was suspicious. "What was that about?" I asked. She showed me her phone. She said she was going to defend me from Xavier. What did she mean?

As we walked closer to were I needed to be I had the guts to ask her what she meant. "Hey what do you mean by defending me?" She once showed me the phone. She pointed at the caption. It said; Goodbye nice golden hair. It followed a sad face. "So what you are saying there going to dye my hair? Or what?" I asked. All she did was shake her head. "Bye!" She said as she turned and ran. I knew she was a traitor. "Come here you!" One of the track stars said. He ran after her and got her. They took both of us.

"Let us go!" We begged them. We kicked and tried to break free from there grip. "Shut up!" They said. I turned to look at Selena. "I'm sorry I got you into this." I said. I got depressed. I just looked down. "It's okay I wanted to be a good friend I guess. And I guess I walked you here because I like you Jax!" She yelled the last part. As she said that Xavier walked up to his body guards. He punched her. He caused her to knock out. "What the fuck Xavier!," I yelled at him. He looked at me and walked away.

As they held us down. Putting more force on me than on Selena since she is knocked out. "Let her go. She had nothing to do with it." I said almost wanting to cry. "She walked you over!" Xavier yelled at me. He has gone mad. But why? "Why are you acting like this Xavier?" I managed to get the question out of my lips. "Because you kissed and flirted with Zander!" He yelled once more. I didn't like were this was going.

Some guys came up to me and put a white towel on me. "Let me go!" I said as the anger builds up inside in me. "Calm down bro." Xavier said. He was calming down. They brought a dye I didn't like. Black. They poured some on my head and then the towel came off. The rest of the black went onto my body and clothes. "Fuck you Jax!" Xavier said as he poured many more colors on me. They just kept dumping dye on me. It ran down my hair to my toes. The same was with Selena. My new friend. I was dead meet. "Now suffer!" Xavier said as three big buckets of dye were over me and Selena. "Help!" I yelled. No one came but many people were waiting to see me and Selena get our hair dyed and body's. "Now!" Xavier said as they released the paint. The whole class of eighth grade laughed. I began to cry of humiliation.

A/n: I want to give thanks to MusicGal995 for giving me the idea of the dying hair scene here. She wrote it in one of her chapters in her story Cry Baby. Great story by the way. But that is were the idea of Jax and Selena the (new character which will play a big role in the story for Jax) to get dumped in dye. Hers is different but the dying the hair was hers. Thank you again MusicGal995 for an awesome idea.

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