As we walked out to Xavier's car Selena looked over about three parking spots down. "What do you want Zander?" She said and they just went into there car. "That is what I thought bitch!" I guessed that pushed Zanders date buttons because she got of the car. "Who you callin a bitch slut?" The girl didn't know who she was messing with apparently because you never say that to Selena and the whole school knows that.
"Excuse me?" Selena said with an attitude. "Well apparently you're deaf know so I called you a slut bitch!!!" The girl yelled. So Selena walked her way to the car and got up in the girl's face. "Call me that again bitch!" I could see the guys telling her no. But she wouldn't listen to them. Oh I bet she regrets that know.
"S.L.U.T SLUT!" She said it with attitude. The attitude pushed Selena's buttons so she punched the girl right in the nose. And the girl went running away like a little bitch. "That is what I thought!" Selena yelled getting into Xavier's car.
We drove to the hotel we rented for the night since tomorrow is our graduation. "Okay guys who else seemed a bit surprised the way I punched that little hoe?" We all said I when she asked us. It did tho. She hadn't snapped like that since sophomore year. I was surprised.
As we got to the hotel Xavier showed his I-D indicating he was old enough to buy beer. But the problem was Selena's date was old enough? "I-D sir?" HE asked Selena's date. He looked around and said he had it in the car. "Jax please accompany me?" He asked and I looked around and nodded. Why me tho? He doesn't seem to talk to me that much.
"What do you need help with bro?" I asked him. I didn't even know his name. "Wait was is your name?"I asked him he looked u at me and answered with Andrew. "Okay Andrew what did you need help with?" He said looking for his I-D.
We looked thru the car. "Ow!" I said as we had bumped heads. "Sorry." We laughed. "It is o.." His stare right to me caught me off guard. I was staring into his brown eyes and medium sized lips. I couldn't help myself and neither could he.
We shut the doors and turned the lights off. And he leaned in and then we began kissing. He enjoyed me and I enjoyed myself. I knew I was with Xavier but the stare made it hard to resist.
"Wait." I said. I got the thing I pulled out of my drawer and showed it to him. I didn't know what to do. I wanted him but also Xavier. "Put it on." I whispered in his ear. He opened the packaging and put it on. I turned to my back and went from there.
As we walked in I put a gum in my mouth. "We cleaned it right?" I whispered to Andrew. "Yeah." He whispered back to me. I nodded my head. "What took you so long guys?" We looked at each other and back at them two. "His I-D was really stuck in the seats that is why." I answered and he just nodded. I felt guilty. But how would I tell Xavier that I just had sex with Andrew.
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A/n: Hey guys sorry for the late post I had my band concert today and well I had other things to do as well sooo yeah. But anyways this is how I imagined Andrew a little. But what do you guys think about the story's ending. Because there is only 8 chapters left in this story sooo I am pretty excited about this story and the characters and also at the end I am going to put a little bit of song's that I think would go with the story Love you <3. Byee!