Chapter 16

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**A couple days later of the car accident**

As I woke up in my hospital bed on a nice Monday morning. It was about The third week I had  been here. I was out the first week. I was unconscious the whole time. But then the second week I mostly saw my mom and little sister. Then well we will see who I see this week.

"Jax!" Xavier yelled as he looked through the door. I looked up. "Aren't you suppose to be in school?" I asked him in a groggy way. "Nah man. The closed the school today. Something about a science project gone wrong or something like that." He said. He looked different. He looked more grown up. I just don't know why though. "You look different." I told him as I checked his face for any differences. "Oh really. Well the past three weeks I have grown up apparently to everyone." He walked to the window fro the room. I was in the tenth floor which is the second to last floor. "Wow. You got a good view. Here look." He snapped a photo. He walked over and laid in the side of my bed. "I'm going to fall." I started laughing. "Oh sorry I'll get this chair on wheels." He got it and put it next to me.

"Wow. I did get a good view." I said. I was just amazed how nice it was. "Look we all took photos so you can see us." He swiped the photos one by one. But one caught my eye. "Hey can you go back the previous photo." I put my finger on the screen and swiped. I zoomed into the photo. It was Zander. He sat alone. But why though? "Why is he all alone?" I looked at Xavier in wonderment. "He came out. Know none of the guys want him around. And well Selena was absent that day so he was alone. And well I took a photo of myself." He was shutting his phone off as he walked out of the room. "I'll see you tomorrow after school okay." He said as he exiting the room quickly. But the only thing that was in my head was. Zander is gay? I was just amazed. 

I took about a three hour nap before my phone rang. "Who the hell is it?" I said in a whisper. It was Zander. "Hey." I said. He face timed me. "Hey.. I just wanted to say that I like you. And not in the friend way okay. But yeah. Xavier told you so yeah. Just wanted to tell you." He said not even letting me speak. But before I could say something he hung up. At this point I was surprised that he didn't even let me speak.


 Xavier walked into my room in a sad looking way. "Sorry but you need to see this." He said as he pulled out his phone. It couldn't be good news. Two reasons why were because he walked in with a sad face and second because he is taking his phone out. "What is it Xavier? Your scaring the fuck out of me." I managed to say as I scooted up the bed to be in a sitting position. "So you know how Zander told you he liked you and all." I just nodded. "Well me and Selena were talking and look what we saw." He showed me the wrong photo. "A hamburger from Burger King?" I said as I began laughing. "Oh no not that one. I was taking a picture of my meal yesterday. Sorry." He swiped through his phone to get to the picture. "This one." He showed me the right one and he zoomed into two guys. It was Zander and anther guy kissing. "Well well. He lied to me and thank you for showing me." I said as I laid back down and looked the opposite way. All Xavier did was lean over and kiss me on the cheek. "Bye. I'll see you tomorrow at the same time." He whispered in my ears.

**Summer break/day Jax leaves**

I took the bag my sheets were in for the road out of my house. Selena and Xavier were nice enough to help us out today. "Hey Jax do you really want this picture. I mean you haven't talked to Zander in the longest time." Just the name brought a dirty look. "I guess I can just have it in a box." I snatched the picture from Selena's hands. I looked down at the picture. It was a picture of when we both went to Disney Land. We were about 10 year old. I just stared down. A sad face has took my happy smile of being with  Xavier and Selena. "Come on don't pout over that asshole." Xavier patted my back. I got the framed picture. I took the picture of me and Zander and put it in a plastic bad and threw it in the trash. I was going to save it for when I have Selena take a picture of me kissing Xavier. He wasn't a jerk after all.

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