Chapter 22

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His lips were warm. I am an idiot. I thought to myself. Why did I do what I did. He is a jerk Jax. Thoughts popped in my head over and over. I was a huge idiot. 

I walked over to the grave. Xavier had followed me. "Hey I leave tomorrow. Can I stay over at your house tonight?" I looked over my shoulder and glared at him for a long while. "No." I answered. I know it is weird. I kiss him and then don't let him spend the night. But the only reason I kissed him was because I felt like I had a reason to. Like if I did what I did he would stay. but I was wrong. I made a wrong decision.

"Look Jax I really need a place to stay at. So please let me stay?" He had begged me. But I would budge. "Look Xavier. Why don't you stay with Richard. You two seem to be VERY close in my opinion." I stood up and turned in a angry way. He looked shocked that I knew about them. "How...ho..w." He couldn't finish his sentence. So I finished it for him.

"How did I know? Well he told me himself Xavier. Did you honestly I wouldn't find out about it. Like if I wouldn't know I was your side bitch. Well you were wrong." I walked away getting Loren's hand. I felt him staring at us walking away. But I didn't turn back.

We walked all the way home together. I looked over at Loren. She seemed strong. But I knew both of us were sad and depressed inside. But as we closed into our house our eyes became watery. "We'll be okay Loren." I had told her in a sweet way. 

I walked inside and remembered the first time I had gotten here after rehab. My mom walked me in the house. I looked up the stairs. I remembered the moment I was taken away for rehab. I had not so good moments as I was with her in her last few days. 

"Pack up." I looked over at Loren. She looked at me in confusion. "Why Jax." Her eyes. They were bigger with them being watery. "They'll come for us soon. We are orphans know." I marched up the stairs and walked away. I also felt her looking at me. But this time I looked back at her. I waved for her to come with me. 

 As we packed she turned to me. "Were are they going to take us Jax?" She seemed scared. I was scared as well. I was scared they were going to separate us. "I don't now but I'll ask them not to separate us Loren. okay." I turned back to packing. She was scared way to much. 

As we finished packing I heared a knock. "Who is it Jax?" Loren asked me. I shrugged my shoulders up. "Get your stuff." I said. We both got our suitcases and our backpacks with our stuff from our childhood. "Wait for me down stairs." I said. I enter my moms room. I got the picture of us three we took on Loren's birthday. "This is a good memory." i said to myself. Then went straight for the closet. The box she told me that she had stuff she was giving us to remember the family when we were in college. It rested there on a shelf. I stuffed it in a backpack.

I ran to my room and got the box of bracelets I had for me and Loren. I ran straight downstairs after that.  "Hello." I said as I opened my door. "Well hello. Are you two ready? A new family awaits for you two." The nice looking lady said. "Already?" I asked in confusion. "Yes they heared about your lost and well they feel sorry for you." She looked nice and the family she described also seemed nice.

**3 years later. Month:December**

A/n: Sorry for not posting the other days. The first two I was sick and the other days it is because I needed a break and gather thoughts for this chapter. This book only has 16 chapters left. So these final chapters will be super exciting. And There will be ore posting later today. I just missed writing here. So were on the final 16 chapters of this book. The ending will be awesome (hopefully). Anyways I'm sorry for the short chapter. Love you <3. See you in the next chapters that I will write. Byeee!

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