The right person. That phrase stayed in my head the whole time. But who IS the right person for me. I don't really have a type I suppose. But I would like a funny partner and also caring.
I still had not discovered what gender I liked. I mean I like guys and all but girls are also nice. Maybe I shouldn't label myself. I feel like that would be the best part of it. But no matter what. Tomorrow is my first day at my new school. Since I missed the first two weeks since I was in rehab I had a lot of catching up to do.
Beep beep. Mt alarm rang loudly into my ear. "My god what time is it?" I said as my mom came into my room. "Get up Jax. You have to go to school." She clapped her hands to hurry me up. "I'm going." I said repetitively.
As I got up from my bed I looked over at my phone. I had a couple messages from both Xavier and Selena. But most of them were from Selena. "What do they want know?" I laughed. I looked down into my phone and saw that Selena was wishing me luck and to call her when I'm on my way to school. Then I went to Xavier's messages and saw most of them were death threats. But why. "MOM!" I yelled. I was in tears. Some one actually wanted me to die. "Coming." My mom said. "What is it Jax you should be getting.." She stopped her sentence as she looked at me crying and my phone in my hands. "Sweety what's wrong? Who hurt you?" She put her palm on my cheek. "I don't know if this was Xavier or if someone took his phone and began using it. But who ever it is. That person is sending me death threats." I began crying even harder. Till I actually fell onto the floor.
I don't know what happened after I fell but I woke up in my moms room. "Mom." It hurt to talk. But I wondered why. "Sweety your awake. Good let me get the doctor." As those words left her mouth I panicked. Because the last time I a doctor saw me it took me way. "No I'm fine look." I began fiddling inside the sheets. "No need or the doctor." I kept talking but my mom had cached on quickly. "They are not going to take you away. I promise." She held my hand and put the other hand on top of it.
"Jax you passed out of anxiety." The male doctor told me. "Anxiety? What's that." He explained what it was. Then I felt more calm. "I thought I got panic attack and that is why I passed out." I said. The doctor looked at me. "I went through your phone. Some guy named Zander texted you something really inappropriate. Did you ask him to send it. Oh forgot to say I'm a cop as well. And yes I have a warrant." He pulled out the document. "Well can I see what he send me." Attitude filled my voice. He handed it to me.
I was scared to open it. It could be him killing someone or even worse. I unlocked my phone and went straight to my messages. I clicked on Zander's messages. "I'm scared to look." I said out loud. "Go head." The doctor/cop said. "Okay." I opened my eyes slowly and what I saw I wished I could erase fro my memory.
It was a nude. From both front and back. "Ah!" I thru my phone to the other side of the room cracking and shattering it. Know I have no phone. "Why did he send me that. I don't even talk to him." Well before you could read the text messages he had said don't you miss this." The doctor/cop said. "Miss what I never had physical relationship with him. Fuck that. I never dated the kid." I said defensively. "Well he said we could do what you guys did the day no one was at your old house. Remember that day?" He asked me. "No not at all." I was still sounding defensive.
A couple hours past and the doctor told me I was okay to go to school. It was only 10 and school didn't end till 4. So I could still go to school. So I walked into my room got my converse some gray jeans a flannel and some sunglasses. Then went to take a shower. As I got out I heared my mom talk to the man that helped and investigated me. "NO my son would never do that. He is only 15!" My mom yelled. The man still fought her. I felt like I had to say I did do it with Xavier but not with Zander.
(This is Jax out fit for school)
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(The shoes are suppose to be converse but again this is the closest I could get to what I wrote)
I put my shoes on and got out of the bathroom. I walked over and got my back pack. "Kid have this you need to turn it in." The doctor said. I yanked it out of his hands and walked out the door and headed to school.
As I walked to school I noticed how nice my new town is. But what would make it better is all my friends back at home. But as I got closer I noticed that school was in the middle of a market place. Like it was one market place and then the school and then another market place. I scored. "Well let's get it over with it." I said and walked over to my first day at my new school
As I went inside the school it was nicer than my other school. "Name please." The lady in the front asked me. "Jax." I said. "Last name." She had some big time attitude. "Rodriguez." I said. She looked in the school list of all the kids. "Here you are." A smile grew on her face. "You have been absent for the first two weeks of school and then you are late today. God what i your dumb excuse." She teased me. I went into my back pack and took out my rehab excuse then the one my doctor gave me. "Here." I handed her the slips.
As she read thru the first one of me being late she still had a smirk on her face. Then the rehab center one took the smirk of and into a shock. "That one is for the two weeks I was absent okay." She nodded in response. I wondered if she was scared. I saw her mouth lip the word hallucination therapy. She looked over and handed me my schedule. Then my mom came in and handed me something. "You forgot this at home." I looked at her hand and noticed she had gotten me the I-phone 7 plus. The gold edition though. "Thanks mom." The I whispered in her ear. "It has all my numbers and my apps right?" She nodded. "You are in 3 period right know." The lady said.
As I walked my way to class my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was Xavier. I rushed to the stalls. Then took the phone out. "Sorry for the threats my boyfriend took my phone." He said. So it was true he didn't care about me. I responded saying to leave me alone and that it was because I knew he didn't care about me. All he said was why. But I left it unseen til this day. The day I leave back home for college.
A/n: This ending means that everything he is saying is him writing in a journal. So I ended this first half with him writing in is journal. So we I took this ending to the present and not the past. I left it in another chapter much later on in the story. Love you <3. Byeeee!